প্ৰয়াগ । - S8& "The next great undertaking of the Panini office was the publication of the Siddhanta Kaumudy of Bhattoji Diksit. This is a standard work on Sanskrit grammar and Sanskrit scholars spend at least a dozen years in mastering its intricacies. " ' "It may be mentioned that the Oriental Translation Fund of England advertised about three quarters of a century ago as under preparation the English translation of the Siddhanta Kaumudi by Professor Horace Hayman Wilson. But perhaps he found the work too laborious for him, for the advertised translation was never published.'
- **ë UikëvÇet? (Prof. A. A. Macdonell, M.A., Oxford), *T **5 (387 (Prof. Cecil Bendall, M.A., Cambridge) 2e পণ্ডিতগণ সিদ্ধান্তকৌমুদীর ভূরি ভুরি প্রশংসা করিয়াছেন। শ্ৰীশবাবুর এই গ্ৰন্থ এবং পাণিনি যে প্রখ্যাত পণ্ডিত বথ লিঙ্কের পাণিনি অপেক্ষা সরল এবং সুখবোধ্য তাহাও পাশ্চাত্য সংস্কৃতজ্ঞ পণ্ডিতগণ স্বীকার করিয়াছেন। অধ্যাপক পৌনুই লিখিয়াছেন,—
" I have duly received the first volume of your Siddhanta Kaumudi. I was much pleased to get such a nice present from you. I have no hesitation to confess that I found inextricable difficulties in the use of Bohtlingk's Panini before I was so fortunate as to obtain from my friend ' ' ' a spare copy he had of your Ashtadhyayi. It is a capital book for reference, and the Siddhanta Kaumudi for study.'-Professor Louis de la Vallee Pounui, Professor at Ghent, Editor of the Museum, 13, Boule vard du Parc, 2 December 1902. উক্ত গ্ৰন্থদ্বয় ব্যতীত তিনি বেদান্ত, উপনিষদ, যোগ, স্মৃতি প্ৰভৃতি সম্বন্ধীয় বহু দুরূহ সংস্কৃত গ্রন্থের (সটীক ) ইংরেজি অনুবাদ এবং ধৰ্ম্ম ও নীতি বিষয়ক গ্ৰন্থ *
- The Isa, Kena, Katha, Prasna, Mundaka and Manduka Upanishads with Madhava’s commentary.
Yajnavalkaya Smriti with the commentary Mitakshara and notes from the gloss' Balambhatti. The Chhandogya Upanishad with Madhava’s Bhasya. The Vedanta Sutras with Baladeva's commentary. An Easy Introduction to Yoga Philosophy.