অযোধ্যা প্ৰদেশ । \ove মধুসূদন বাবুরাই স্বহস্তে গঠিত। * এ প্রদেশে তাহার এক কৌতুহলজনক শক্তি সম্বন্ধে এরূপ প্রচার আছে যে, মন্ত্রবলে তিনি সর্পদষ্ট ব্যক্তিকে সঞ্জীবিত করিতে পারিতেন। এরূপ দৃষ্টান্ত বিরল নহে যে, যেক্ষেত্রে সিবিল সার্জন ও এসিষ্টাণ্টসার্জন-প্রমুখ চিকিৎসকগণ অসাধ্য বলিয়া পরিত্যাগ করিয়াছেন এবং যাহাকে মৃত বলিয়া প্ৰকাশ করিয়াছেন, তথায় মধুসুদন বাবু সেই সকল চিকিৎসকের সমক্ষে মন্ত্র- “ শক্তির পরিচয় দিয়া সর্পাহতের আরোগ্য সম্পাদন করিয়াছেন। তঁহার পুত্ৰ অধ্যাপক অভয়চরণ বাবু তাহার জীবনীতে এরূপ দুই একটী ঘটনার উল্লেখ कब्रिश्न! 计 ' ' Who was lately a conspicuous figure in Sultanpur society, and who in the words of Mr. F. W. Brownrigg has made Sultanpur what it is to-day." it " His wonderful power of saving people from the effects of snakebite will ever live as a tradition among the inhabitants of Sultanpur. I know some cases in which people were saved from apparent death. One especially I remember at this moment. It was one night in the summer of 1896 that a man was brought to our gate on a charpoy, all but dead from the effects of a deadly snake bite. The Assistant Surgeon of the district, Dr. Nil Ratan Banerji, ( now Civil Surgeon, Pilibhit), who happened to be in my house at that time, examined the patient, pronounced him dead, and asked my father to attempt no cure. He, however, some how by an instinct, felt assured that the man was not dead, and he proceeded with his system of cure, consisting partly of lash strokes and partly of mantras or incantations, for more than an hour, till the man regained cousciousness and was subsequently able to walk back to his home. It was like performing a miracle in an age that has ceased to believe in the supernatural; and it is no use for any one, who has not seen it with his own eyes, to say now that it was all a hoax or a pretence. On one occasion, in Lucknow, father was requested by me to treat a boy who was dying from the effects of snake bite in Kaisarbagh-a case which I had accidentally discovered during my walk, and which was at that time being treated by Col. J. Anderson and Rai Bahadur Ram Lall Chakravarti, both of whom were beginning to despair of the boy's life, when my father appeared on the scene, and in a few minutes' time successfully restored the boy to consciousness, to the amazement of Dr. Anderson :- Dr. Ram Lall, who was a friend of my father's, was not unequally surprised. He had learned this occult mode of cure from one gentleman in Benares, who bequeathed it to him on his death-bed."-"A Brief sketch of the life of the late Babu Madhu Sudan Mukerji by Abhay Charan Mukerji, M.A. 畅 ། "
পাতা:বঙ্গের বাহিরে বাঙ্গালী (উত্তর ভারত) - জ্ঞানেন্দ্রমোহন দাস.pdf/৪৯৭
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।