রাজপুতানা। : 8ህ\9 যাহারা কৃতী হইয়াছেন ) ও বর্তমান ছাত্রমণ্ডলী সমবেত হইয়া তাহাকে যে সুদীর্ঘ বিদায়-অভিনন্দন-পত্রে হৃদয়ের ভক্তি ও শ্রদ্ধা প্ৰকাশ করিয়াছিলেন, তাহা হইতে জানা যায় রাজপুত জাতি তঁহাকে কি চক্ষে দেখিতেন। সে দীর্ঘ পত্রের অনুবাদ প্ৰকাশ করিবার স্থান। এখানে নাই, কিন্তু তাহা হইতে সুদূর প্রবাসে তাহার কৰ্ম্মজীবনের কতকটা আভাস পাওয়া যাইতে পারে বলিয়া উক্ত পত্রের কতিপয় স্থলমাত্র পাদটীকায় উদ্ধত হইল। * তাহার ভাবাৰ্থ এই যে মহারাজার কলেজের - , t Your connection with the Maharaja's College dates as far back as 1883 A. D. In this Institution, with the whole-hearted devotion of a conscientious young man, you put your energy and soul into the noble work of Education. Your vast erudition, deep knowledge, indefatigable energy, genuine sympathy and high moral principles have left an indelible mark upon our hearts and lives. When we look back on the life we have passed together and recall the memory-of course a very strong one-of your long and devoted services in the cause of education, of your delightful and valuable lectures, of your kind behaviour and of your amiable disposition, we feel ourselves strongly inclined to make a public declaration of the feelings that surge up in our bosom on this memorable occasion. It would be idle to attempt to recapitulate the long and faithful services you have rendered to our august master, the Maharaja Sahib, as Professor of Mathematics to the celebrated Institution, happily styled after him- the Maharaja's College. Your services have covered an extensive space of 28 years, and have been of the most ardent and zealous type imaginable. We reflect with pride and intense satisfaction on the numerous occasions on which your students adequately trained for the Examinations of the Indian Universities, have won, both for themselves and for you, distinction, glory and renown at the various examinations held from time to time. Nor can we ever forget the humour, the sprightliness, and the grace, that has ever attended on your class-room lecture. Sir, there are only a few who know how to introduce an element of charm into a lecture that would otherwisc be tedious, dull and disgusting. You are among those blessed few, for your humorous nature has always made the subject dealt with, fascinating and charming, and has thus chained the attention of your pupils to it. Of all those that presume to mould the youthful mind and impart sound education in the higher departments of Learning, your claim, we think, to honour and distinction in this splendid qualification stands highest. Besides a dazzling success in the University Examinations and the credit your students have got with the University, an evident proof
পাতা:বঙ্গের বাহিরে বাঙ্গালী (উত্তর ভারত) - জ্ঞানেন্দ্রমোহন দাস.pdf/৬০৯
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।