রাজপুতানা। : 8SG হইল।।*।। ভোলানাথবাবুর এই উপাধি লাভে সন্তোষ প্ৰকাশ করিয়া যাহারা তাহাকে পত্র লিখিয়াছিলেন, ভরতপুর রাজ্যের পলিটিক্যাল এজেণ্ট এবং যোধপুর রাজ্যের রেসিডেণ্ট সাহেব তঁহাদের অন্যতম। গবৰ্ণর জেনারেলের এজেণ্ট(Sir Arthur Martindale ) সার আথার মাটিনডেলও তাঁহাতে যোগদান করিয়াছিলেন। তিনি ভোলানাথবাবুর কেরোলীরাজ্য-শাসন-কাৰ্য্যে ইংরাজ গভর্ণমেণ্টের সহিত রাজভক্তিপূর্ণ সুদক্ষ সহযোগিতার বিশেষ প্ৰশংসা করিয়াছিলেন এবং মেজর ষ্ট্যাটন লিখিয়াছিলেন, "I take the opportunity of congratulating you on the honour which has been recently bestowed on you by the Government of India. It is evident that your good work it "Your Highness and Surdars. I have asked you here this evening to witness a formality which it is my pelasing duty to perform, namely to place in the hands of my friend Babu Bholanath Chatterjee, member of the Karauli State Council, the Sanad conferring upon him the title of Rao Sahib, a distinction which was conferred by his Excellency the Viceroy on my friend, in January last in acknowledgment ef many years' loyal service rendered by him to the State Loyalty to a Chief or a State means loyalty to the British Government the two cannot be disassociated since the interests of both are identical. Good government in a Native State means good government in an integral portion of the British Empire in India it is for this reason that His Excellency the Viceroy is always ready and willing to show his appreciation of services rendered by the officials of Native States as well as of those serving in fBritish India. Babu Bholanath Chatterjee has served in this State for 20 years, first as school master, then as Private Secretary to H. H. the Maharaja and lastly as member of council. The ioyal manner in which he has performed his duties in this latter office has earned for him the approbation of the Government of Iadia. Rao Sahib Babu Bholanath Chatterjee, in handing to you this Sanad which I now do, I have been asked by the Honourable ths Agent to the Governor General in Rajputana to convey to you an expression of his congratulations to which I would at the same time add my own upon the distinction conferred upon you by the Government of India and I feel sure that the honour of which you have been the recepient will urge you on to further exertions on behalf of the chief of the State you serve."
পাতা:বঙ্গের বাহিরে বাঙ্গালী (উত্তর ভারত) - জ্ঞানেন্দ্রমোহন দাস.pdf/৬২১
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।