পাতা:বর্ত্তমান জগৎ চতুর্থ ভাগ.pdf/১০৫

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

विश्वंडांबौद्ध क्रिखनिझ through the three known measurements. It is not a physical entity or a mathematical hypothesis nor an optical illusion. It is real and can be perceived and felt. It exists outside and in the presence of objects, and is the space that envelopes a tree, a tower, a mountain or any solid; or the intervals between objects or volume of matter if receptively beheld. It is somewhat similar to colour and depth in musical sound. It arouses imagination and stirs emotion. It is the immensity of all things. It is the ideal measurement, and therefore as great as the ideal, preceptive or imaginative faculties of the creator, architect, sculptor, or painter. Two objects may be of like measurements, yet not appear to be of the same size, not because of some optical illusion but because of a greater or less perception of this so-called fourth dimension, the dimension of infinity. Archaic and the best Assyrian, Egyptian or Greek Sculpture as well as paintings by Erl Greco nd Cezanne and other masters are splendid examples of plastic art possessing this rare quality. * * * A form at its extremity still continues reaching out into space if it is imbued with intensity or energy. The ideal dinension is dependent for its existence upon the three naterial dimensions and is created entirely through