পাতা:বর্ত্তমান জগৎ চতুর্থ ভাগ.pdf/১০৯

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

विश्वंडांौद्ध झिफ्रिद्धा Calculation and vaunted manifestoes arrive at their own nothingness and futility. A true art consciousness and the expression thereof binds infinity afore with infinity after. It has inestimable spiritual worth. It rages not, it boasts not, it invites not futile controversy. It is an indescribable inner placid vision and light that urges and guides true creation. It is the life spell between breath and breath, between pulse and pluse, between age and age. There are other Parthenons, other Ravenna mosaics, other ancient Hindu Sculpture, other Persian rugs and tiles, and Chinese Kakemonos and other Yukatan sculpture images to come. But they will be born as in the great past, only of the poetry, of healthy purposeful human spirit. MAX WEBER ওয়েবারের কবিতা রচনার একটা নিদর্শন প্ৰদত্ত হইতেছে :- THE DOMIE What a dome silence makes, What music, what words are in it. For what it echoes is not all of now. All the music and all the words are there, For when I speak or when I sing My own and other echoes blended I hear.