পাতা:বর্ত্তমান জগৎ চতুর্থ ভাগ.pdf/১১৮

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

tro ፱• বৰ্তমান জগৎ ইংরাজী অনুবাদের ভূমিকায় হাৰ্থ বলিতেছেন :- Such as it is, Chau Ju Kua's work must be regarded as a most valuable source of information on the ethnology of the nations and tribes known through the sea-trade carried on by the Chinese and Mahomedan traders in the Far East about the period at which it was written. His notes to a certain extent are second hảnd information, but notwithstanding this, he has placed on record much original matters fact and information of great interest. The large percentage of clear and simple matter of fact data we find in his work, as compared with the improbable and incredible admixtures in all oriental authors of his time, gives him a prominent place among the mediceval authors on the ethnography of his time, a period particularly interesting to us, as it proceeds by about a century Marco Polo, and fills a gap in our knowledge of China's relations with the outside world extending from the Arab writers of the ninth and tenth centuries to the days of the great Venetian traveller." মেগাস্থিানীস, মার্কোপোলো, বাণিয়ার, ট্যাভানিয়ার ইত্যাদি ইয়োরোপীয় পৰ্যটকগণের ভ্রমণ-বৃত্তান্তের ন্যায়। এই চীনা ভৌগোলিক গ্ৰন্থ । হইতে এশিয়ার ইতিহাস সঙ্কলনে বিশেষ সাহায্য পাওয়া যাইবে । ।