পাতা:বর্ত্তমান জগৎ চতুর্থ ভাগ.pdf/৪১২

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

9t 3 진émiF 하 with her hockey, golf and motor muscles, her masculine strike and her ungainly movements Then just picture to yourself the average modern man ; take him somewhat rotund in appearance, with a tight-fitting suit and his hands encased in white gloves two sizes too large in case they split in puting on, and you have a picture of the minuet as it is better left alone. No, the minuet demands powder and patches and old brocades and wigs and slow graceful movement, The men would have to wear high-heeled shoes, with buckles as they used to do and the modern man simply won't. And the failane / Do you know what a pavane means ? It was an old Italian dance, with slow and sweeping movements. Think of slow and sweeping movements with two-button white kid gloves. The cavalier danced it with his cloak on, and at a certain point in the dance he made a low bow and with a languid and graceful movement touched his sword. The hilt of the sword rose up and the cloak went with it, making something like the effect of a peacock's tail : hence the name pavane. And the ladies wore voluminous skirts and dipped and courtesied. No, the minuet and the pavane are out of keeping with the modern ball-room spirit. Deportment is out of fashion.