পাতা:বর্ত্তমান জগৎ চতুর্থ ভাগ.pdf/৯৪১

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

औअ-दिछांशध्र כשר "At this point, however, a confusion may arise from tle fact that the term 'Sonata is used in two senses." State the nature of the confusion, and explain it away. ests ex3 ft (5 ifs O page: 2O5 of "Music and list:" by T. W. Surette, site finds the following statement : "Symphonic thenes, in Contradistinction to themes for Songs or short is: (). forte pieces or (iances, should be inconclusive : they arc valuable for what they presage rather than for what they state, and they should indicate their own destiny." Regard this quotation as a text for discussion, explanation, elaboration. Argue for Or against it, or partly both. Supply by inference from it, other things that the author may have been saying in the same connection. এতদূর অগ্রসর হই নাই। এই ছয় সপ্তাহের স্কুলে দুইখানা টেক্সট বুক ব্যবহৃত হহ’ল :- I. The appreciation of Music-T. W. Suretta and D. G. Mason ( 5 I-5O). 2. The "Appreciation” Pianoforte Album ( Musical Examples for use with the appreciation of music). ($ i-OO) দুইখানারহ 23, 18 Novello & Co., New York, ് 8 DBDBS BiBDBD BB DBBDB DDB DD DD DBKDS DDBLE পড়ান হইয়া থাকে ) :- ?