পাতা:বর্ত্তমান জগৎ দ্বিতীয় ভাগ.pdf/৩৮৬

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\9\,2\g दéभांना छत्रां९ Tume : “WHIO KILLEID COCK ROBIN.” Who likes mad pictures a “I,' said the V. C., "they're what I go to see, “I like bad mixtures ' And all the mad artists fell a debating As to what the great V. C. meant when he was prating As to what the great V. C. meant when he was prating Who likes work less than play ? “We," all the students say, "then shall we chuck it, eh “We like work less than play ' ב. And all the students said they would stop their Educations, And take up fives and golf for the benefit of the nations And take up fives and golf for the benefit of the nations. Who likes panama hats? "I," said Professor Jim, "as you saw at Reivaulx, “I wear made hats P' And all the students there were struck absolutely dumb, When they saw the kind of hat in which Jim had come. When they saw the kind of hat in which Jim had come. Who hates all exams. ? “I.'said Professor Gordou, "they cause one such boredom “I hate all exams.' And all the English people fell a shouting and a clapping, But he soon set such a stiff one that it nearly caught them napping. But he soon set such a stiff one that it nearly caught them napping.