পাতা:বর্ত্তমান জগৎ দ্বিতীয় ভাগ.pdf/৩৯৫

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

विश्वविछालभद्र ठाविविड ब्रg१९नय \ebዓ¢ . And you hurry from the yells And the news the notice tells On the Board, on the Board, When you've faild in an exam. Il f you never want to dine at the Refec., the Refec., the Refec., You run up there And find a chair When you see the waitress, Jane or Mary Anne, You widly wave you menu Till she's seen you. 'Hang the girl, hang the girl, She's going to make me late If she comes at this rate How long have I to wait For my leg of la-amb,” But if you wait long enough She will come back with your stuff If you wait, if you wait, If you wait at the Refec. Tune : “POLLY WOLLY OOODLE.” A Fresher as green as green could be, Singing Hagi, hagi, hai all the day, I came to Leeds its Varsity, Singing Hagi, hagi, hai all the day. In the big main roads I looked in vain, I found it at last in a little back lane.