পাতা:বর্ত্তমান জগৎ দ্বিতীয় ভাগ.pdf/৩৯৬

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

बéभन्न खात्रं९ و با Hail to thee, hail to thee, Hail to thee, ecstatic day, When I met at Yorkshire College The embodiments of Knowledge, Singing Hagi, hagi, hai all the day. And first I went to the H.P. Singing Hagi, hagi, hai all the day, I thought he must be the V.C., Singing Hagi, hagi, hai all the day. So who was so surprised as me, When he handed me a locker key. Hail to thee, hail to thee, Hail to thee, amazing day, When I met at Yorkshire College, The H. P. devoid of knowledge, Singing Hagi, hagi, hai all the day. That night I went to a Debate, Singing Hagi, hagi, hai all the day, But we all sat round in silent state, Singing Hagi, hagi, hai all the day. While Rolleston passed on and on, Till all but he and l had done. Hail to thee, hail to thee, Hail to thee, improving day, When I heard at Yorkshire College, Eloquence beyond my knowledge, Singing Hagi, hagi, hai all the day.