পাতা:বর্ত্তমান জগৎ দ্বিতীয় ভাগ.pdf/৫৬০

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

&\ove বর্তমান জগৎ but has held its own for years simply, if one may say it by its own intrinsic merits. When Mr. W. W. Kelly brought this play round-now some years ago, to put it delicately-he, as well as one can remember, endeavoured to make it as distinctly effective as possible by the provisior of an excellent company and all kinds of realistió embellishments. These were always of an artistic and impressive character, and now after all these years of delightful association with “A Royal Divorce' and Mr. Kelly, the popularity of the former and the universal personal affection for the latter remain as strong as ever. All the parts were admirably played, and lest there should be any feeling of that which sometimes follows from lines of discrimination, let it pass that everybody in the audience was delighted, and the applause was great and frequent. The Josephine of Miss Agnes Verity was a distinctive attraction. Her performance was followed with the keenest interest, and she manifested a dramatic power quite apart and beyond what one has been associated with in this particular part. In fact even those who had over and over again witnessed the play were deeply impressed by this lady's acting. If space permitted, one would like to empha sise her merits by reference to the particular parts