P R E F A C E. RELYING on the goodness of the public I venture to send the accompanying little volume into circulation. I have long been engaged in collecting together the proverbs of different nations, under the idea that their publication, would be of service in the intercourse of social life. In this work f have attempted to compare the proverbs and moral Forecepts contained in other languages with those which belong to our original Sungskrit. I have in the first instance quoted many English and Latin proverbs, and after explaining their signification in Bengalee, have added corresponding proverbs from the Sungskrit. 2dly. I have selected from various Persian authors a series of such prose and poetical pieces as most srequently occur in couversation, and have added corresponding proverbs from the English and the Sungskrit, together with a Bengalee translation. 3dly. I have selected various proverbs from the Arabic, and accommodated thcm with corresponding sentences from the Persian, English, and Sungskrit, subjoining a Bengalee version of theim. My object in this compilation is to furnish in one work, those useful ornauments to conversatiom, which are not in general acquired without much labor and research. Those who are engaged in the cares of business, having little time to search through many books in various languages for these
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।