পাতা:বাংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্র (তৃতীয় খণ্ড).pdf/৮৮৬

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

854 বাংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্রঃ তৃতীয় পত্র formal or official position. But in order to work more effectively I thought the distribution of work could be made in the Foreign Office so that what exactly I should do. This would have help me to be more creative and vigorous in performing my responsibility. At this time the Foreign Secretary informed that there was difficulty in formalizing my position. On hearing this I met the Foreign Minister for the first time in the last week of July. The Minister was very kind to me and praised me for all the work I was doing but told me that there were difficulties from other quarters about my holding any responsibility officially. He however consented to my continuing the work quietly on the voluntary basis as before. (6) So I continued to work as a volunteer in the Foreign Office, as my main purpose was to serve the cause of our people. The Foreign Minister was however kind to grant a little subsistence allowance with effect for August, if I required. (7) In the meantime however, two publications compiled and prepared by me came out from the External Publicity Division. One "Bangladesh-Contemporary events and documents" and the other was "Bangladesh-from Autonomy to Independence" (World Press commentary). In the first one the Publicity Division was kind to mention my name although I agreed originally not for such naming. (8) This position, although I did not mind personally, was however insulting and humiliating. I was gradually realizing that I was not allowed to function effectively. It was also embarrassing in dealing with large number of foreign correspondents and other dignitaries and also in entering into correspondence etc. (9) All this time it has been conveyed to me through various sources and particularly the Foreign Office that there is objection from, your side in my working for the cause of Bangladesh. Finding this situation humanly intolerable and politically most unfortunate 1 meet the Foreign Minister again last week. He advised me to discuss this matter with you and the Acting President and assured me that this undesirable situation could be changed if only you and the Acting President consented to allow me to work more effectively. When I discussed this matter with the Acting President he was sorry to hear all these and advised me to take this matter up with you also. May I here make it absolutely clear, Mr. Prime Minister that I would be only delighted to continue my work as a volunteer provided my responsibility is defined. I have already expressed my desire to contribute in my little way as much as possible to strengthen the Government's hand in our liberation struggle and in representing oi 7 cause in a better and effective manner. I hope you will take an immediate action in this respect. I may continue to work in the Foreign Office or in the Planning Commission or in any other front as you would consider suitable for me. Yours faithfully (Moudud Ahmed) Barrister-at-Law Ꭰt. 12/11/7 ] 1. Prime Minister Copy to: 2. The Acting President 3. Foreign Minister