পাতা:বাংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্র (দ্বাদশ খণ্ড).pdf/৪২০

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা হয়েছে, কিন্তু বৈধকরণ করা হয়নি।
বাংরাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্রঃ দ্বাদশ খণ্ড

 d. Bed Sheets (chaddars), blankets ete.

 e. Umbrellas, Waterproofs or anything for protection against rain.

 f. Canvas shoes and chappals (all sizes).

 g. Medicines; all types of Vitamins, Tonics Medicines for Flu, Fever, Gastro-Enteritis, and Children’s Diseases Vaccines, Antiseptics, Phenyl, Bleaching powder, Detergents and Soaps, Surgical Dressings.

 h. Money


 Those who wish to make direct contributions in any from also be welcome to do so.

 Already such international voluntary organizations like OXFAM and WAR AGAINST WANT are here and working. Young British doctors are rendering admirable service. But I say this with deep regret that as yet no volunteers of any Youth Organizations from India are to be seen. The Youth in India needs a great cause to make their commitment. Here is a noble cause, a magnificent challenge; I am making this appeal in full confidence that Indian Youth will rise to the occasion and not only make stay of the Five Million guests from Bangladesh a pleasant one, but will see, is necessary, with equal courage and determination that they return without hindrance and live in safety.

 Any offers of assistance and enquiries may please be addressed to:


 14 Ezra Mansion


Dated June 10, 1971