পাতা:বাংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্র (দ্বাদশ খণ্ড).pdf/৫৬৪

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

○○br বাংরাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্রঃ দ্বাদশ খন্ড ভারতে পাকিস্তানের বিপ্লবী তারিক আলীর রাজ্য সভার কার্য বিবরণী ৩১ মে, ১৯৭১ গোপন উপস্থিতি এবং কোলকাতায় তার বক্তৃতার ওপর আলোচনা REFERENCE TO REPORTED SECRET PRESENCE AND STATEMENTS IN CALCUTTA OF MR. TARIQ ALI, A REVOLUTIONARY FROM PAKISTAN MR. A.G. KULKARNI (Maharashtra): Sir, I was mentioning earlier that a very serious news appeared in the press on 10-5-1971. A similar news was coming from border areas and Bangladesh that the struggle in East Bengal may move close to the Assam border. This is the statement made by the Chief Minister of Assam. I wanted particularly to draw the attention of the Home Minister to a statement of Mr. Tariq Ali who was staying in India, in Calcutta, secretly. He is a revolutionary leader from Pakistan. He stayed in India secretly and he had negotiations with Naxalites. I want to quote what he said. He suggested the creation of a revolutionary front of both East and West Bengal to pave the way for a united socialist Bengal. This news is very damaging to the policies of this Government. Now I want to know from the Government what it is doing in this matter. SHRI BHUPESH GUPTA (West Bengal):Mr. Deputy Chairman, this is a matte on which you should direct the Government. An article has appeared the day before yesterday in the Hindustan Standard by Tariq Ali and in that article all these things are said apart from the alleged interview which has been managed by some people. Now Tariq Ali is not an Indian citizen. How did he come to India? Who gave him the visa? How did he seek entry here? Nothing is known although the Government should know it. This is one point. Secondly, I should like to know whether the Government has found out from the British Government as to how Tariq Ali left-he must have left either by sea or by air. That can also be found out from the British Government. It is clear that he has come here with a very disruptive slogan which will harm Bangladesh struggle, which will harm everybody. He stated that Bengal should be a united entity, a socialist republic, and independent. He wants to separate West Bengal from India. This is an utterly disruptive slogan and one should take it extremely seriously. This kind of a slogan today is harmful from the point of view of the struggle for Bangladesh. The Government, in fairness, suo motu, should move in this matter. I am very glad that my friend has raised it here. Tariq Ali claims to have been sent here by what is called the Trotskyites International which is well known for disrupting any great struggle. Now he has said, "I have come here with this mission and assignment." Everybody knows that this young chap is a very able man in some respects. He can do quite a lot of mischief. I have read his book on Pakistan and also other material. I do not know what the Central Government is watching. They should take serious note of this because there is something behind it. Just at this moment the raising of the slogan of uniting the two Bengal into a socialist Bengal outside India, as a separate entity altogether is lightly disruptive. I think this should be fought politically and ideologically. The Government should take note of it and keep track of it because Tariq Ali has come here from England. Facilities he must have got. Somebody must have given