পাতা:বাংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্র (দ্বাদশ খণ্ড).pdf/৮৭৭

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

br○ > বাংরাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্রঃ দ্বাদশ খন্ড Governments in exile were recognized. What was the view expressed by the Government under the leadership of Norodom in the case of Indonesia? It is quite clear. So, considering all these aspects, that West Pakistani military wants to place Bangladesh is a colony for several years to come, it should be the duty of this Government to recognize Bangladesh immediately.-And remember that, while you are committed to give all solidarity, all support, to the cause of Bangladesh movement, your immediate recognition to Bangladesh will not only give certain relief but it will be an achievement of the freedom movement. I would appeal to this Government that it is high time that this Government recognize Bangladesh. At least for the moment, of the Government do not like to go, in for any drastic action which the Government will have to do in future, immediate recognition should be accorded as a step towards that end. . . . . MR. CHAIRMAN: Mr. Krishna Menon, SHRIB. K. DAS CHOWDHURY: If this Government fails to do that in time, assurances will turn to hypocrisy and failures will follow. . . . MR. CHAIRMAN: Now, please take your seat. SHRI KRISHNA MENON (Trivandrum): It is my intention to confine my observations within the short time there is, to the restricted question of the imperative necessity of this country recognizing Bangladesh. And this, as so many have said, is not a Party question. If I may say so. even if it was so some days ago it cannot lie the point of view of the Treasury Benches today that reorganization has become substantial matter in the problem. It is now 80 or 90 days since the war began and if Government thinks that time stands still, it will be a great mistake. There have been observations on various other aspects foreign policy both this afternoon and in the previous debate. I do not propose to touch upon them. There may will be an opportunity. I am telling the Foreign Minister now, that I propose to intervene in the Foreign Affairs debate on estimates if the Speaker allows me. That, perhaps is the appropriate occasion for me to say what I have to say in regard to the foreign policy. The moment, my position with regard to other matters does not come 1I]. It is imperative that we should recognize Bangladesh, especially after the last shot has been fired by the President of Pakistan when he said, ‘I will call together whom I like to be his Constituent Assembly or whether’. A command performance. Well, when even ISO Members of the Labor Party in the British Parliament can call for recognition, does it not look and sound odd incongruous that those opposite, which speak loud about Socialism and want to be thought they are Socialist Party, comprises at least some who join in the demand to recognize Bangladesh? And now recognition does not necessarily mean sending out an ambassador. In this particular matter anyhow it does not necessarily mean sending out an Ambassador. That may well not arise in this matter. It is not a question of sending an envoy. It is a question of recognizing the personality of a Nation that has proclaimed itself so and is one. Onetenth of the people of East Bengal are in our country at the present time.