পাতা:বাংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্র (পঞ্চম খণ্ড).pdf/৪৪৭

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

বাংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্রঃ পঞ্চম খন্ড Thus two clear-cut world opinions are polarizing fast on Bangladesh issue. The public opinion around the world, greatly molded by extensive press reporting, is clearly in favor of recognizing Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and his party as the sole legal and moral spokesman for the people of Bangladesh. They are convinced that after the genocidal war of the Army junta over the people of Bangladesh the very basis of Pakistan has now vanished and that the people of Bangladesh must be granted independence forthwith. They are genuinely worried about a serious threat to international peace in the area. The second opinion is that of Western governments. It has been rather slow in crystallizing, but is clearly bringing pressure now upon Yahya regime to seek political solution of the problem. If the lunatic generals are in a listening mood they are likely to be tempted by the proposal because it offers them sufficient room for political maneuvering without conceding anything. A Hurry of proposals and counter proposals would buy them sufficient time during which to make a yet another frantic effort to find money for footing the bill of the mad adventure-an adventure that aims at a total colonization of Bangladesh, at least for a few decades. It would be foolish to expect that a fascist army that undertakes and executes a mass extermination programme without any armed provocation whatsoever would agree willingly to a political settlement. If, as a repercussion, thousands of Muslims die in the communally vulnerable area; of India, Pakistani junta could not care less. All they want is a political advantage over India. Those Muslims of India who have been showing their allegiance to the Pakistan Junta and are finding it difficult even to sympathise with great misery perpetrated by the junta on the people of Bangladesh should note this point. They should also note the treatment that is being meted out to the refugees from India in various West Pakistan provinces, particularly in West Punjab. However, the Indian Prime Minister has more than once expressed her determination to counter the vicious Pakistani plot and ha: already taken measures against communal violence in India. The world must act now—not only in the interest of the captives and displaced o Bangladesh but also in its own interest. It must recognize the legitimate, popularly elected government of Bangladesh and arrange for the total withdrawal of the invading army of, Yahya. Only this can ensure a political stability in the region. ...জুন, ১৯৭১ Western governments, although still inadequately, are showing signs of awakening I the gigantic refugee problem that Pakistani Army junta has inflicted with deliberation upon India. According to reports, Relief goods are pouring in daily in Calcutta. These are being distributed speedily among the suffering millions in the camps. The quantum of aid is expected to rise over the coming weeks. But this should not encourage too much hop in the sufferers inside and outside Bangladesh. The sympathy for the refugees m N international community may continue indefinitely, but, the aid pipeline is most certain to