অর্থ আইন, ১৯৯৩ 88ఫి (•I) sub-section (3) 43 *E ffft* Explanation >i<Qiîs"> হইবে, যথা: aeexplanation.- In this section, anotice” includes order or requisition made or issued under this Ordinance.”; - o (8o) section 184A eR »E fEi>i sIVER section 184B >i<QTifëÜE o হইবে, যথা:– & ael84B. Tax-payer’s identification number.- Every ് assessee will be given a tax-payer’s identification Coo number in such manner as may be prescribed.” o & (ss) THE FIRST SCHEDULE IR PART B stā tā fāzi qzzi • PART C সংযোজিত হইবে, যথা:- S. so o aePART C - APPROVED GRATUITY FUNDso Q O[See section 2(5A)] o (\ 1. In this Part, unless the context otherwise requires, the Definitions expression æcontribution”, æemployee”, æemployer”, aeregulations of a fund” and aesalary” have, in relation to gratuity funds, the meaning assigned to those expressions in paragraph 1 of Part B in relation to provident funds.”; 2. (1) The Board may accord approval to any gratuity fund Approval of which, in its opinion, complies with the requirements of 9"y" paragraph 3 and may, at any time, withdraw such approval if, in its opinion, the circumstances of the fund cease to warrant the continuance of the approval. a (2) An order according or withdrawing approval shall take effect from such date as the Board may communicate in writing to trustees of the fund. S`, -് (3) The Board shall neither refuse nor withdraw approval to any gratuity fund unless it has given the trustees of that fund a reasonable opportunity of being heard.
পাতা:বাংলাদেশ কোড ভলিউম ২৯.djvu/৪৫০
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।