পাতা:বাঙ্গলার ইতিহাস-অষ্টাদশ শতাব্দী-নবাবী আমল.pdf/৫৮১

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

পরিশিষ্ট (ক)। (8న Whereas the sum of five crores, eighty-two lacs, eight thousand five hundred and thirty dams, from the paradise-like Suba [province] of Bengal, subject to condition and without condition, is upon the death of Mir Najmuddin Ali Khan, fixed [i. e. granted] as the 7'agir of the sea of nobility and respectability, Saiful Mulk Saifuddowla Sayyed Najabut Ali Khan Bahadoor Shahatnutjung, commencing from half (i. e., from) Rubee season of Enu / Eal [or year of the horse] as per details on back, it is, therefore, written (to you) that you should give positive instructions to the Zemindars [landholders] of that place to the effect that they should pay up the Government revenue and all civil dues, duly and faithfully according to the usual practice and custom, unto the Amis [Revenue Collector] of that place, and that they should not fail to act up to what is just, right, and proper, Written out on the 7th day of the holy month of Mohurrum in the 7th year of the auspicious zuloos. ( অতঃপর ইয়াদুদন্তে জায়গীরের তপশীল, প্রভৃতি প্রদত্ত হইয়াছে । ) III. Translation of a Firman /rom the Emperor Shah Alum graniing to Nawab Saif-ud-dowla the title and rank of Monsub of Hast-haari.” Let this be resub- The whole (of this) is Resubmitted to His mitted. (found correct) accord Gracious Majesty on ing to the Waquia the 17th day of the (Register). holy month of Muhur rum in the auspicious year of Żułoos. On Thursday, the 3rd of the holy month of Mohurrum in the auspicious 7th year of (7 usus), corresponding with the year I 180 Hijiri, in the Resala of the seat of nobility and respectability, the centre of courage and bravery, the possessor of knowledge as to matters connected with religion and kingdom, proficient in matters concerning the state and faith, the bearer of the standard of pomp and dignity, the adorner of the carpet of rank and greatness, the giver of strength to kingdom and royalty, the confidential officer of the state and kingdom, the contributor of success in battle-fields for conquest of the world, the means of affording pleasure to assemblies of merriment and gaiety, experienced in matters concerning kingdom and wealth, the founder of the basis of riches and prosperity, the possessor of secrets of royalty, the initiated into the mysteries of human nature, the jewel of the mirror of truth and S BBBBBB BBBBB BBB BBBB BBBB BB BBBB BBBBS SS BBB মোতাবেক ১১৮২ হিঃ ৯ই জেকাদা শনিবার......... আদেশ প্রচার হইল যে গুরুদাসকে তিন হাজার মনদবী দুই হাজার সোয়ার এবং উপাধি বাহাদুরী ও রাজগী" ( রাজাবাহাদুর ), ঝালরদীর পান্ধী, নকুড়া প্রদান করিয়া সম্মানিত করা হয়। এই দুই ফৰ্ম্মানেরই ইয়াদুদন্তে পুনরায় DDDDDDB BBBB BBBB BBBB BBBB BB BBB BBBBBB BBB BBS তদ্ভিন্ন উপাধি ও সেনাদলের জায় প্রদত্ত হইয়াছে।