পাতা:বাঙ্গলার ইতিহাস-অষ্টাদশ শতাব্দী-নবাবী আমল.pdf/৬১৯

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

পরিশিষ্ট। \ う which is used to be paid the Court, on condition of their being security for the sum of twenty-six lakhs of Rupees a year, for our royal revenue, which sum has been appointed from the Nabob Nudjum ul Dowla Bahadur ; and after remitting the royal revenus and providing for the expenses of the Nizamut, whatsoever may remain we have granted to the said Company. The Dewanny of the Province of Bengal. The Dewanny of the Province of Behar. The Dewanny of the Province of Orrissa. Articles of Agreement between the King Shah Aalum and the Company. The Nobab Nudjum ul Dowla agrees to pay His Majesty, out of the revenues of Bengal, Behar and Orrissa the sum of tewnty-six lakhs of Rupees a year, without any deduction for batta on bills of exchange, by regular monthly payments, amounting to Rupees 2, 16, 566–10–9 per month, the first payment to commence from the 1st of September of the present year ; and the English Company, in consideration of His Majesty's having been graciously pleased to grant them the Deweny of Bengal, &c., do engage themselves to be security for the regular payment of the same. It shall be paid month by month from the factory at Patna to Rajah Shitabroy, or whomsoever His Majesty may think proper to nominate, that it may be forwarded by him to the Court. But in case the territories of the aforesaid Nabob should be invaded by any foreign enemy, a deduction is then to be made out of the stipulated revenues proportionable to the damage that may be sustained. In consideration of Nudjus Khan's having joined the English forces, and acted in his Majesty's service in the late war, His Majesty will he graciously pleased to allow him the sum of two lacks of Rupees a year to be paid by equal monthly payments : the first payment to commence from the 1st September of the present year; and in default thereof the English Company, who are guarantees for the same, will make it good out the of the revenues allotted to His Majesty from the territories of Bengal. If the territories of Bengal at any time be invaded and on that account a deduction be made out of the royal revenue, in such case a proportionable deduction shall also be made out of Nudjus Khan's allowance. - Dated the 19th of August 1765. - Fort William, 30th September 1765. - (A true Copy) - (Signed) Alexander Campbell, S. S. C.