পাতা:বাঙ্গালা ও ইংরাজী অভিধান (গোপীকৃষ্ণ মিত্র).djvu/১৫২

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

নক্র ধ্ৰুজি, a whirlwind. #3, fixed, certain, permanent. §ool, chorus; longitude of a star. & Cool, the equator. o fā, heaven. $fal, a righteous or pious woman. #35, destruction, ruin, loss. zoosoft, destructive, ruinous. soi, a skull held as a penance; a flag, a standard. *TúzīTR, a standard-bearer. of, impotence. oùil, a flag, standard, banner. ofgät, an army, a landmark. «HÍR, HIFI, a sound, noise, report. ag, ruined, destroyed, fallen. sgȚ-U, inarticulate sound. &Iss, darkness, gloom. ন । o, a negative, no, not. FI^*}<5, destroyer. Ross, having a short nose. Ross, denial, refusal, negation. Rāt, a brass vessel. - aso, the nose. R$5, a mongoose, ichneumon. FIF, night. Roxo, a torn rag. [prowler. 7(554, a nocturnal animal, a night Foo, a vow to eat at night only. नक्ल,alligator, crocodile. নক্ররাজ, a shark. Fūl, the nose. 144 नी Roa, a constellation, a star. Fossé, the moon. FizFGifā7Jl, astrology. NoüCăio, the starry region, sky. RoCoot, the moon; camphor. F-2s, Ross, claw, finger or toe mail. Roro, a barber. Rosol, the spur of a cock. z-org-gīt, knife to pare the nails. F**k, a whitlow. [tiger. Rosso, armed with talons; lion; Rost, furnished with claws; a kind of perfume. [tain. zT6I, animmoveable object, a mounRosi, an elephant; a mountaineer. **Toj, not worth reckoning, worthRoss, ready, in hand. [less. Roffes, a weapon that penetrates mountains; thunder-bolt. asso, assot, a town, city. Răsărossos, a constable, a guard. Fasciafi, a plantain. Fúsūrū, a monkey. Rosi, a pole to propel boats. F3, maked, unclothed. Ríosol, a young girl. AC5s, if not ; otherwise, else. Rü, a dancer, actor; curdled. Fúzz, a rake, profligate. [arsenic. Fū osa, Rosso, the sulphate of Fişifgasi, shame, modesty. Fúzil, a dancer; spinach. =UĞI, a dancing-girl, strumpet.