পাতা:বাঙ্গালা ও ইংরাজী অভিধান (গোপীকৃষ্ণ মিত্র).djvu/২৩৫

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

ভাব ভাজু, an elder brother's wife. stgJ, divisible, a dividend. eso, a panegyrist, a bard; royal IDC8Seloger. EfB-5, fare, hire. esú1, the ebb tide. =Tf5 zirgi, a sutler, victualler. ofo, a distillery; a lime or brick kiln; current. stoozål, the afternoon. E1 g, hire, rent, fare. eTyson, a tenant, a renter. sis, pretence, sham, feigning. sos, a pitcher; a juggler; buffoon. *Teo, a barber. SI BIF, a storehouse, warehouse. eterst, storekeeper, butler. ess, boiled rice. Esosos, husband, provider. effo, brightness, splendour. Eso, the sun. [of another. erofoil, feeding at the expense Eig, fifth month of the year. ETsos, a younger brother's wife. eToo, husking rice in a mortar. stafiosi, one who husks rice. stol, the sun; a ray of light. ভানুমান, invested with rays; sun. stoi, vapour, steam, smoke, gas. sta, sentiment, disposition; drift. Esso, susceptible, easily moved. Etziossos, a plagiarist. [dering. *TZIA, thinking, considering, pon ভার Etzotl, anxiety, care, concern. Esztofoil, discerning, sagacious. ofossi, faltering through fear. Ezgisit, amazement, dismay. ofosso, causing to think. SI TIEGT, another condition orstate. Esztof, purport, subject matter. stor, relating tofuture; likely Effo, anxious, apprehensive. Esoft, future, about to be. *13, welfare; an appreciatior of a sentiment. *foot, a comedian, actor, wag. ērzfizi, a fop, dandy, coxcomb, *I*J, probable, likely to be. sta, sister's husband; a wild cat; anger; the sun. sinn, ētstāt, a passionate woman, vixen. *ist, angry, passionate. ETT, weight, burden, a charge. ETTE, Mahábharat; India; actor. stos, Hindustán or India. ētā st, speech; dramatio recitaRosso, the bow-string. [tion. osol, a scaffolding. of: No.7, centre of gravity. of:[3], a quail, STATTGFI’ī, loaded, entrusted with. stfä, a lion. Effoa, gravity. *T*t, heavy, important, weighty. Eso, a quail.