পাতা:বাঙ্গালা ও ইংরাজী অভিধান (গোপীকৃষ্ণ মিত্র).djvu/২৬৩

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

রুট রাহুপীড়া, eclipse of sun or moon. fāzē, empty, void, destitute. foot.property, wealth, patrimony. foot, an heir, successor. fosso, foss, slipping, tumbling, falling. [glad. făgă, rejoicing, exulting, being fool, the soap-berry tree. foot, Indian Cupid. foot, an enemy, foe. f2., mean, base. foot, brass. foot, enmity, jealousy. fã*IJ, a stag, a deer. ffs. an ascetic, a hermit. fÈ evil, adverse; see also fāgi. রিটি, evil, calamity, damage. figs, sign, disregard, contempt. orgas, the backbone. ostol, disrespect, disregard. ots, leaked, oozed out. fifs, manner, habit, rite. রুই, the white-ant. termite. zzē, liberał, munificent. FF, remedy, cure. রকম, gold. go, got, rough, harsh, morose. **I, thin, haggard, empty, dry. of, diseased. sick, ill. [relish. of 5, #5t, inclination, appetite, ofsos, engaging, pleasing, nice. #5, anger, rage. zoo, broad, a loaf. 255 রূপ FF, dry, not oily. 37, rude, hard, harsh. ***{{s1, a cow that allows to be milked easily. F*8, headless. ****, a tinkling sound. o, shut, blocked up, hindered. £7, the sun; a demigod; furious. * Îor, a berry used for rosaries. oforos, blood. রুব, রুবক, রুবক, castor treeরুমা, # I, the sun. oil, wool, hair; a rafter; kernel. #3, a stag, a deer. os, anger, rage. #3, enraged, furious, angry. F5→F, cavity, den. of of zol, anxiety. oil, a tree. of, rude, hard, cruel. £5, current, produced ; known by tradition as the meaning of certain words of uncertain origin or which are used in a certain peculiar sense. 35°s, form, manner, beauty. stofag, figurative, allegorical. Foišta, a coxcomb, fop, dandy. £>i<$,$*f<TEU. beautiiul, elegant. goosetos, reduction. Først, beautiful, handsome, comeoil, ovs], silver. [ly.