পাতা:বিবিধ-বঙ্কিমচন্দ্র চট্টোপাধ্যায় (১৯৩৯).pdf/৪১৯

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

2-v, . পরিশিষ্ট 8•> ষষ্ঠ । এই প্ৰবন্ধে অনেক স্থানে এমত কথা আছে যে, তদ্বিারা অনেকে বুঝিতে পারেন যে, ঈশ্বর বৈজ্ঞানিক প্রমাণের দ্বারা সিদ্ধ নহে। বস্তুতঃ এ কথা ঠিক নহে। সৰ্ব্বশক্তিমান, সৰ্ব্বজ, দয়াময় এবং প্রবৃত্তিশালী ঈশ্বরই বিজ্ঞানের দ্বারা অসিদ্ধ, ইহাই আমরা বলিয়াছি। জগতের নির্মাতা বিজ্ঞানের দ্বারা সিদ্ধ নহেন। কিন্তু 椰 O “বাঙ্গালীর উৎপত্তি” প্ৰবন্ধের পঞ্চম পরিচ্ছেদের (পৃ. ৩৫৬, ১৩ পংক্তি) “মালজাতি এখনকার বাঙ্গালী মাল৷ ” কথা কয়টির পর (৩) পাদচিহ্ন ছিল ; এবং পাদটীকায় ም . . . বঙ্গদর্শনে’ ছিল " In his late work on the aneient Geography of India, General Cunningham quotes a passage from Pliny in which the Malli are mentioned, as occupying the - country between the Calingae and the Ganges. The passage is this :-"Genites. Callingge prozimi mari et supra mandei malli, quorum mons mallas, finisque ejus tructus est Ganges.” In another passage we have, ab iis (Palibothris) in interiore sita monedes et Suari quorum moms maleus, and putting the two passages together, General Cunningham thinks, "it highly probable that both names may be intended for the celebrated Mount Mandar, to the south of Bhaugulpore, which is fabled to have been used by the Gods and demons at the churning of the Ocean.” The Mandei General Cunningham identifies "with the inhabitants of the Mahanadi river, which is the Manada of IPtolemy." "The Malli or Malei. would therefore be the same people as Ptolemy's Mandala, who occupied the right bank of the Ganges to the south of Palibothra-' the Mandaloo or Mandali having been already identified with the Monedes and the modern Munda Kols. “Or' adds General Cunningham “they may be the people of the Rajmahal Hills who are called Maler, which would appear to bo dorived 菌 from the Canarese Male and the Tamil Malei, a "hill.” It would, therefore, be equivalent" to the Hindu Pahari or Parbatiya a "hillman." IPutting this last suggestion Aside for the present, it seems to me that there is some little confusion in the atterpt to identify both the Monedes and the Malli with the Mundas, If the Mandei and the Mali are distinct nations-and it will be observed that both are mentioned in the sarihe passage-the former rather than the latter would seem to correspond with the Monedes or Mundus. The Malli would then correspond rather to the Suari "Quorum Mons Maleas'-the hills bounded by the Ganges at Rajmahal. They may therefore be the same as the Mals. In other words, the Mals-the words Maler or Mahar seem to be merely a plural form-may possibly be a branch of the great Sauriyan family to which the . Rajmahl Paharias, the Oraons and the Sabars all belong, and which Colone Got R