পাতা:বেগম রোকেয়া রচনাবলী.pdf/৪৮২

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

CCL CCLLLLLS CCCC CCLLL LL CLLLL LLLTT LLL TTT LLLL TTS LLTT TT TTS TS Prrsldrnis of the Anjuman 1 Rhawaterri bur she diri rut ar... aliens! any of the meetings. Thus she is to blame arid riol wo, for o knowing in linie where the conferenre was te hawe been held. At the aforesili Ineeling Mrs. Abdul Lälis AHITIEld occupied the President chair. First of all I read out a statement of what led to our holding aloof from the All-India Muslim Ladies Conference. The business of the meeting was ther gone through, Twn riorill Iriri were adopted al the Irleeting, the first expressing regrel ;ii the dealh of suhrawardiya Begurri and sympathising with the bereaved saniily and the second approving the action of էhը Recepticiri Carrimittee in rist pārtitipatirig at the Galstaun Park meeting. Papers were read by some ladies or sermale education and cognate subjects. My attention has been drawn to the reports of the proceedings of the meetings of the Conserence held at the Galstaun Park published in some of the newspapers. I regret to have to say that the reports are not corret- Freirri infrarrnation received from musi rellable sources it has been ascertained that the first day's meeting was attended by only 15 ladies, of whom several were non-Mussaiman, such being the case is it not most misleading to state at the "spacious pandal erected for the purpose was packed to the full with ladies resident in Calcutta and those who had come from distant parts as India." The attendence at the second day's meeting according to information received from sortle of those who were present was 25 and at the third day's meeting only 10, though it has been published in the Papers that the latter was attended by about 400 ladies. Mrs. Shaikh Abdullah Saheba of Aligarh and Fatema Arzoo Begum Saheba. sister Io Maularia Abul Kalam Azad and Private Secretary of Her Highness the Begum of Bhopal, corroborated statements made by other eyewitness as regard the attendence at the meetings of the conference. It has been stated that when the President elect arrived at the pandal Mrs. G. H. Arts in a speech in English, welcomed her on behalf of the ladies of Calcutta. May we enquire whether any new reception committee was formed and when and by whom Mrs. Ariss was authorised to play the part of hostess and welcome the visitors on brhals of the ladies of Calcutta? It has been said that purdah arraurigernenls were persect. If uur Insronnation is eorrect such arrangements were possible in a place like the Galstaur Park which ls overlooked by highly built houses on all sides and Inside which There is a three storied building occupied by disserent people. HÄhr