পাতা:ব্যবস্থা-দর্পণঃ দ্বিতীয় খণ্ড.pdf/২৫

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

486 487 48Ꮪ 489 4!}{} 4鲇 4:3:2 准{}} 497 4፵S 4{}{} 50(? I. i I. III. DIGESTED INDEX. LXXXI. The substitute for a son is necessary, notwithstanding a widow's capacity to present the oblation of food and libation of water to the manes of her husband ... 沙* 始 * * 珀登峰 熔 * * * 够 冷 * * * The substitute for a son is necessary, rotwithstanding the existence of a brother's son... 馨 稳 琴参稳 * * 缘,曾 в g & 令 é翻 * 邻 The substitute for a son is also necessary for a woman, to present to her (when dead) the oblation of food and libation of water, to perform the other rites for her, and to deliver her from the hell (called) put... 哆 卷 冷 * She cannot, however, adopt a son without her husband's assent şi a * * A woman, though authorised by her husband, must not adopt a son while there exists a son of her rival wife : such adoption, if made, being invalid. .. An short :- 邸 Every person, to whom no (ourasa) son has becn born, or is not to be born, " or being horn has died, without male issue, is under the necessity of adopt ing a substitute for such son. . . * * * 必 即 - - а к в . . 条 The substitute was of eleven descriptions 眼 够 Of the several sons, (the son of the wife and the rest,) only the dattaka (the son given) can at the present (kali) age be made a substitute for the ourast son. (See the notes at pages #1 and 846.) . . * 禄 参受每 * * 0 LL LL0LS 0LSLL0LSLLSL0SLY Y0Y LLLLL YY00ELE LLLLLEEccYS In default of an ourasa daughter, tie adoption of a subsidiary daughter, as substitute for her, appears to have been provided by the law હ આ - - In the present age, however, the adoption of the son given (dattaka) only, is, for house-holders, sanctioned by the usage of the good, as well as by law. There being a practice amongst the devotees, who are not householders, of buying boys, and maintaining them as kritu (purchased) sons, or rather disciples, the latter inherit their property. 始 够 * = 海影省 独 歌 蛤强é WHo CAN AND wiło CANNot apopt A son. Not only a married man, with or without a wife, being destitute of a son, son's son, and son's grandson, (in the male line,) capable of performing the excquial rites, but also an unmarried man, can adopt a son .. ● 娜 is $ ls A man who is not a householder (griht) has also a right to adopt a son. The impotent and the rest, who, though incapable of inheriting, arc capable of adopting sons .. 阅 廖 滕 曾 爱登够 ●喙曼 德 多 u * & A man afflicted with leprosy or such other sinful disease is, however, required to perform expiatory penance previous to his adopting a son ... 4 & to go The term ‘son’ comprehending also the son's son and son's grandson (in the male line,) he only who is destitute of these, capable of performing the exequial rites and prolonging his lineage, can alone adopt a son, not the person who has any of such issue in existence 峨 卷 # ♥ 受 总 * * * East's Notes, case N. 10.-March 24th, 1814. * * * -> - - 够拥 歌 * * --- Mussummat Soolukhna, widow of Soonder Naraen, deceased, Appellant, rersus Ramdowland Pandey and others, Respondents.-27th May, 1811.—S. D. A. Rep. vol. I. p. 321. $ham Chunder and Roodet Chunder, Appellants, persus Narainee Dehea and Rainkishore Roy, Respondents.--August 21st, 1807–S. D. A. Rep. vol. i. p. 209... 身 条 (R Page. 83Ꮞ 836 888 SES 8 |{} S4() R4{) 846 856 856 Ꮪö8 858 860 $6.2 99.; 89%, {}{}() Vyavastha so 3 * 黛籌

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