পাতা:ব্যবস্থা-দর্পণঃ দ্বিতীয় খণ্ড.pdf/৫২৫

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

WYAVASTHA-DARPANA. li?2 Caste. Profession. Caste. Profession. . Gáurár Preparing and selling Báti Playing on the diott, ελετά." and preparing and sel. ling mats. ά Making and sellin w - Kánrr :: g Chandāl, Chánrál, or No. Preparing date-yoor, , *a •łúdra and cultivating lands. Duliyá Carrying palkees, &c., Hār; Keeping and selling on the shoulders,doing ine * : ۲.. می the work of a bearer. swine and selling swine's flesh; scavengering and, carrying filth.

  1. ắorí Ibid.

- . : Κάorά Keeping and selling Bágdí Generally, catching swine. and selling fish. Dóm Making, and selling این Pód Ibid. bamboo baskets, &c. 懶 Bediyá Selling medicinal Murdáfirásh Preparing funeral drugs. piles, currying om deal ing with dead bodios. Κογά Digging, or excavating tanks, canals, &c. 燃 Charmakár, or Ru- Skinning dead and slaughtered animals, tanning, selling hides, + * leather, &c.; playing Chunāri Preparing and selling iெ:'ai : lime. weaving cloths. 601 Each of the castes or classes above mentioned is at present a separate or dis-Vyaw". inct tribe. Intermarriages, between any two of these castes or classes, being abrogated or not being in practice, it must be concluded that the marriage between any two of thee, if contracted, is null and void, and the issue of such marriage not entitled to inheritance, the same being considered as unlawfully born.

  • Paddy when wetted, parched, and flattened. + A drum of a particular description which the drummer carries by slinging it round his neck with

cord. t The drum of the largest kind, carried by the left arm and shoulder, and played only on one side. 121