পাতা:ব্যবস্থা-দর্পণঃ দ্বিতীয় খণ্ড.pdf/৫৩৫

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

INDEX. A. Page. Assence, effect of ... 7,11,15,515 et seq. Absent person, ... 7,11,15,515 at seq. how and when his share is to be dealt with ... & e - 7 how he is to get his share or property on his return * * * 515 et seq. how his debts are to be dealt with * * * 581,545,547 when considered to be dead * * * 11 his descendants down to what degree entitled to his property ... 515,517 A%hára, see Usage * * * 303 et seq. Aschára-kánda, * * * pref. I Acquisition by the use of the joint or ancestral property or means, effect of ... 415-429,461–465 Without the adventure of such property or means to 4 - 465 et seq. Acquirer, is to get two shares of his acquisition, if made by the use o the undivided or joint ancestral property, *举事 415-429 the whole, if made without it, is st 465 et seq. the acquisition made by learning to be shared with a brother of equal or greater learning * * * 461–465 et seq. Acts, - valid though prohibited † - - 581 et seq. of a single undivided co-parcener with respect to joint property, debt, and so forth 641-546,810,1180 ,829,849س of a slave or stranger for the support of the family * : * 645-549 of a guardian or next of kin * - - 565-575 Adopted daughters, were also of different kinds * * * 848 Adopted sons, different descriptions of See Substitutes for the ourasa (legitimately begotten) son. & G - 840844سہ Adopted son, in the duttaka form, allowed in the present age (pp. 846,844)his qualifications in reference to age, relation, want of defect, and so forth * * * 972,934 et seq. his merit and demerit in reference to the nature of the gift acceptance, relation, age, initiation, and the forms ob servable 1002 et seq. the duties and cerermonies performable by him 参举● 1024 et seq. impurity of the adopted son and others 海器峰 loss his succession to the adoptive parent's property 為 靜 ↔ 1038–1052 his succession to the estate of the paternal grandfather and collaterals 1046,1094,1078 et seg.