পাতা:ব্যবস্থা-দর্পণঃ দ্বিতীয় খণ্ড.pdf/৬৭

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

WYAVASTHA-DARPANA 7J2 鬱 (a) The relation of tapindas extends as far as the seventh degree, as said in the following text: “The relation of sapindas or kindred connected by a common oblation ceases with the seventh person.” Consequently the meaning is that, whatever female is descended from the race of one's maternal grandfather the rest (is not to be married by him.) By the word cha, (and, also, ) it is meant that one who is of the maternal grandfather's race and known by birth and the family name* to be descended from one's mother's lineage is not to be taken in marriage; others, though of the mother's (i.e. maternal grandfather's) race, ure eligible for marriage. This is the conclusion, Kushika Bhatta. IV. Some de not hold that marriage should be contracted with a damsel of the mother's (i.e. the maternal grandfather's) race. One, however, may without hesitation, marry a girl 5f that gotra, if she be not known by birth and (family) name (to be descended from the same race)+-syása, cited by Kulić, Bhattu. V. Medháfith; has, in the name of Joshish/ha, cited the subjoined text which prohibits marriage with a girl who is of the mother's gotra:-"If a twice-born man marry a girl of the same gotra or of the same prayaras, or a maternal uncle's daughter, or a girl of the mother's gotra, he should perform the lunar penance (rhindriyang) after having entirely deserted her.” But this text also relates to the case of a girl not known by birth and descent to be of the mother's ... e. the maternal grandfather's ) race.—Wu//too lost. V1. Marriage must not also he contracted with a damsel connected by an equal or common libation of water with the maternal grandfather.—t dráhuta!/tra. VII. He who marries a daughter of his father's or of his mother's sister, or a girl sprung from the same primitive stock (gotra) with his nother, or descended from the Fame ancient sage (with his father, ) must perform the lunar penance, and, divorcing that wife, he must support, hert. Spmantu, Soe Colul. Dig, wol. III. p. 32), - VIII. One must not marry a wife of the same gotra or prararas, or as far as the fifth in degree from the mother and seventh from the fathert.— Pishnu-stítra. IX. A twice-born man may properly and legally marry, O king, a wife (leavingt) as far as the seventh in degree on the father's side, and fifth on the mother's sider-rishnu-purána. X. Girls descended from the father's or mother's friends are not to be taken in marriage as far as the seventh and fifth degrees respectively, as well as those of the same yotra or of equal, pravarast.–Nárada.

  • By the phrase ‘known by birth and the family name' is meant one within the relation of &mánodaka. Thus Prihat Manu: “The relation of samánodakas, or those connected by an equal or common libation of water, xtends to the fourteenth degree; or, as some affirm, (it reaches) as far as the memory of birth and name extends. See Mitákshará, pp. 351, 352. 炬

+ See Udváha-tattwa, f Raghunandana's interpretation, Authority