পাতা:ব্যবস্থা-দর্পণঃ দ্বিতীয় খণ্ড.pdf/৭৫

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

WYAVASTHA-DARPANA 720 In fact, as laid don by Sialapási, marriages of the hiatriyu, and those in the aura and the rest of the forms of any other caste, with girls of the above description, do not appear to be invalid, inasmuch as his doctrine agrees in many respects with the above text of Sumantu, and is corroborated by the following texts - “One should marry a girl not related within the seventh degree; if such girl be not procurable, then a girl of the seventh degree; in her default, one of the fifth degree: this is the rule on the father's side, Shākalāyana (says:) a girl related in the seventh, sixth, fifth, third, or fourth degree on either side may be taken in marriage without an offence being committed.” “A girl beyond the seventh degree in relationship is preferable (to one of a nearer degree), because the text, cited, says: ‘if a girl beyond the seventh degree be not procurable, a man may marry a girl of the seventh degree;' in like manner, a girl beyond the fifth degree (on the mother's side) is preferable for marriage, because it is laid down in the above text that, a girl beyond the fifth degree not being procurable, one may marry a girl of the fifth degree: such is (the course to be adopted) on both sides.”—Keshava Poijoyants, * “It appears that whoever is married according to the custom of (his or her) country and the usage of the family, that (marriage) is always valid.” Such is the doctrine of the Chaturvingsati (twenty-four sages.)* 407. A step-mother's brother's daughter and his daughter's daughter are not to be taken in marriage.t All the wives of the father are mothers, their brothers are maternal uncles, the daughters of the latter are sisters, and the daughters of these are nieces, both (therefore) are not to be taken in marriage, otherwise, they will be producing sankrasas (mixed castes,)t—Sunantu. Although, the brother of a step-mother being an uncle, his daughter and daughter's daughter are (of course) sister and niece, (and as such are not to be taken in marriage, ) yet as they have nevertheless been mentioned (in particular,) it must be concluded that marriage with these two only (out of the descendants of a step-mother's brother) should not be contractedt 708. A man is prohibited to marry a damsel who bears the same name as his mother.t

  • Whatever be a person's mother's name, be it concealed or known, the girl who hears that maine is called ‘bearing (that person's)mother's name.' If he inadvertently takes (her in marriage,)he must

Commentary on the Dattaka-mimanwä, page 24. t Udváha-tattwa, $ Conclusion. Vyawabtha'. Authority. Vyavastha. Authority