পাতা:ব্যবস্থা-দর্পণঃ দ্বিতীয় খণ্ড.pdf/৯১

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vyAwASTHA:DARPANA. 786 Hence it can be fairly concluded that bigamy and polygamy have been indirectly) prohibital to man in the present age, except for any of the above causes; it is nevertheless argued by the modern pandits that, marrings with any woman of a different class being prohibited in the present age, it necessarily follows that a plurality of wives of the same class is admissible; and nothing is more common, especially among the kulina, or highest caste of dráh tana", though su: pernicious practice is almittel by good Ilindus to be reprehensible. 420," In the event of a man marrying a scoond wife, the law enjoins him to satisfy the first by paying her the sum equal to the expenses of his second marriage : but ifány stridhan have been bestowed on her, then half of the expenses should be given her".

Thus Jáyyaraliya !--"To a woman, whose husband marries a second wife, let him give an equal sum, as a compensation for the supersession, provided no strilhan has leen bestowed ou her; but, if any have been assigned, let him allot halff.” Til E DUTY OP A 11USRAND G0ING ARr(IAD T0 1!!s WIFE, AXI) Ul" 1118 WiFE 雲() 」li懸。 421. A husband going abroad is to assure a fit maintenance to his wife, but even if he live abroad without settling her maintenance, she cannot desert liim, nor is she warranted to act so that it may reader her fit to be desertedì. Should a min have business abroad, let him assure a fit maintenance to his wife, and then - * - g - - 尊 • go * reside (for a time) in a foreign country since a wife, even though virtuous, may be tempted to act amiss, if sh9 be distressed by want of subsistence.— While her husband, having settled her maintenanee, resid's abroad, lot her continue firm in religious austerities; but, if he leave her no support, let her subsist by (spinning and other) blameless arts.- If he live abroad on account of Rome sacred duty, let her wait for him eight years; if on as ouat of knowledge or famo, sis; if on account of pleasure, thre:: (aster those terms have expired, she must follow him)”.- Manu, c4. IX, vs. 74—76

  • w. Dr. Kra. Sing p. 10). Coleb Dw.bha p. 63. Str. H.L. vol. I. p. 52.
  • ‘Let him allot half"—The allotment எ 4 misty implies that the other moiety is eompleted by the woman's separa#3 prop3rty (•#ridkan. )–Myke•áwara, 0•leb. Dí, bká. p. 04.
vide, Coleb Dig vol. II. pp. 404, 472 & 886, Str. li.L. vol. I. p.46 s

Výavastha". Authority, Vyawasiha? Authority