পাতা:ব্যবস্থা-দর্পণঃ প্রথম খণ্ড.djvu/১০৫

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

DY&ESTED INDEX XLV. Page. 147 The grandmother should have a share on partition of the grandfather's acquired property, and the mother on partition of the father's acquired property 451 The great-grandmother's right to, a share 455 . . . . .: * • - - - قة جة قة بقي The unmarried sister should have a smಷಿument for her nuptial ceremony ... 457 EFFECTS LIABLE TO PARTITION, 162 These three descriptions of property viz. ancestral, acquired by the father, and acquired by the use of the joint stock, are partible. ... ... ... . ... ... 461 163 But property acquired by individuals through their own exertions, must be slared exclusively by the acquirers themselves. 頓 @ @ _ _ _ க _ _ ... • - - ● 象 参见 ... 461 Rādhā Charan Ráy versus Krishna Charan Rāy and Guru Charan Ráy. S. D. A. R. vol I. pp.-88,84 哆 哆 蠍 爆 .. . . . . . . و ده ... 態歸受 ●●曼 _ @ 命 象 & на 479 164 & 192, Land inherited in regular succession, but which had been formerly lost, and which one shall recover solely by his labour, the rest may divide according to their due allotments, having first given him a fourth part. 發 魯 @ ● 叠 象 363—461 Kushal Chakrabartti versus Rādhā Náth Chakrabartti. S. D. A. R. vol I. pp. 835–887 427 See Colebe. Dá.bhá. pp. 184, 135. Str. H. L. Vol. II. pp. 818. Macn. H. L. vol. I. pp. 52, 58; vol. II. p. 857 165 Property gained by science and such other means, without the use even of the joint funds, should be shared with parcenors equally or more learned ; not with the less learned or unleashed parceners. ● 疹 罗 ● ● ● 多令 ● *- 發 @ 發 ● 曝》德 ... 461 166 Property gained by science with the use of the joint stock, must be shared with all the parceners. ... ● 象 够 龟 号 瓷 @ 蟠 球 够é 歌 曝 俞 é s: g ∈ ● 爱 独 酸 ● 锣 ... 463 167 Whatever property has been earned through valour by brothers who have derived science from their family or even from their father, is partible. 毫 ● ● 影● 象 ... 463 168 & 175 An acquisition made through any science imparted by others than a father and uncle, and the rest, and without the use of 蠶 joint stock, must be shared with co-heirs equally or more learned; but not with those who are ignorant or less learned. 哆 影 曙 @ @ 翰 密 锣 叠 ● 警 身 ... . . . . . . . 臀 始 ● ... 465 & 469 169 If, during the period of acquisition of science by one brother, another brother should support the student's family with his own funds, then the supporter, even though ignorant, is entitled to a share of the property gained by the learned. 姆 参 强 . 465 170 If support have been afforded by two or three unlettered brothers, then all these shall participate. ● ● 蜴 戀 @ 聯 蠍 總 ● 蛤 叠 = A و to s e 瞬 哆 曼 ● 登 @ 哆 船 ... 465 171 The brother left to protect or support the family of a brother gone abroad for acqui sition, is to have a share of such acquisition. @ 象 愛 多 叠 饿 弯 象 叠 海 函 ● ... 465 172 Shares are to be equal where the proportion is not specified 哆 爱 ■ 哆 登 亨 ... 465 EFFECTS NOT LIABLE TO PARTITION. 173 Wealth gained without the use of the joint stock, belongs to the acquirer alone, not to the rest of the co-parceners. ... а в @ 象勇 465 I. Kishori Mani Däsi versus Srikānta Sen and Părbatí Dási. 4th January 1842. S. D. A. R. Vol. VII, pp. 67,68 ... ... ... ... --- ... ... ... ... 479°481 II. Káli Praséd Ráy & others versus Digambar Ráy. 18th May, 1817. S. D. A. R. Vol. II. pp. 287--240 '... 驗願疊 * مه 登 象 蜴 @ 魯魯 * 隱g總 峪 @ @ 發 @ @ ●● 歌 ... 481–183 The acquisition of a man made by his own means alone, is not divisible among his brothers.-A man has no title to share in the acquisition exclusively made by his unseparated brother.—Land purchased by one co-parcener with borrwed money cannot be claimed by Wyavasthá p Vyavastha yo Precedent Vyavastha” Precedents y? py yy 3 * Precedents $y Precedents