পাতা:ব্যবস্থা-দর্পণঃ প্রথম খণ্ড.djvu/১০৭

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

; DIGESTED INDEx. XLVII. -- Page. another who was not joining in the transaction.—Property exclusively acquired by one man is not to be shared by his brethren, though messing with him.—And if one build a house on joint land, the others have no share in it, he can claim only so much land elsewhere.-One brother, though of an united family, has no claim to the property of another, if acquired with separate funds and labour.—Land purchased for a boy by meana of his Joutaka is not liable to partition. Macn. H. L. vol. II. pp. 151–162 @ 態總 ... 478—477 174: If one of the co-heirs, without expenditure of the joint funds, or unaided by the ex ertion of the other co-heirs, recover ancestral property usurped before, such property (if not land) is not divisible 总警@》 攀 需》警》 峻 @曾 密 馨 馨 ё в ф ... 469 176 What is gained by valour, receive son account of marriage, and what is acquired by science, and any favour conferred by a father, are exempt from partition ... ... 483 177 What is given by a paternal grandfather or by a father, or mother, as a token of affection, shall not be claimed by co-heirs... 緣 @ 齡 釁 ↔ @ 登 聯會 够é够 е в и е е ф 178 Clothes, vehicles, ornaments, prepared food, water, women, furniture for repose or for meals, or the place of sacrifice, and a fi are not divisible. ... 够 ● 强 @ 象 夥 483 483 179 A path for cows, a carriage road, clothes or any thing worn on the body, dwelling house, waterpots, ornaments, things not of general use, and what is requisite for use, channels for draining water, are not divisible. ... e g & ● 象 爱 ... 485 180 Books must not be taken by the ignorant parceners, they belong to those of them who are learned ; but the ignorant must receive from the learned parcener some other article, equivalent to the share of the books to which he is otherwise entitled, or else the value-itself thereof. 剧 ● 酸 _ ● 暴 曼 ● 号 弱 it to go 181 A house, garden, or the like, which one of the co-heirs had constructed within the site of a dwelling place, during the father's life time, remains his indivisible property. 478 panticipastis OF A SON BEGOTTEN AFTER PARTITION. 485 182 If the father, after separating from his sons, and reserving for himself a share ac- O cording to law, die without being reunited with his sons, then a son born after the partition shall alone take the father's share, and that only shall be his allotment. ... 487 183 Not one only, but even many sons begotten after partition shall take exclusively the paternal wealth. ● 象 馨 娥 酸 爱 暴 够峻 @ 齡 ↔ @ @ 態 驗 暢 辱 @ 隊》哆 影r●《穆 489 184 But, if the father die, after reuniting himself with some of his sons, then the son begotten after partition shall receive a share from the reunited co-heirs. ... ... 489 185 All the wealth which is acquired by the father himself who has made a partition with his sons, goes to the son begotten by him after partition. Those born before it, are declared to have no right, as in the wealth, so in the debts likewsie, and in gifts, pledges and purchases 會 翰 劍 遍 @ @ @ 蟲 磯 ● 玺 ● 源》尊 潑 鹼 魯 磯 ... 489: 186 If the sons were separated from the father, while his wife was pregnant, but not known to be so, then the son, who is afterwards born of that pregnancy, shall receive his share from his brothers. ... 發 @ 纖 ... க . 喙彎彎 ... 491 187 If a share were previously set apart for the ehild in the womb, the wife's preg— nancy being known, all shall participate in the father's allotment after his demise, provided there were no son begotten after the partition. о а в 卧 ● ● 491 188 If a man having made a partition with his sons, and again residing with any © Elst of them as a reunited parcener, die after begetting another son, this last born child shall be the sole heir of his estate.... 弘 粤 象 驗 疊 象 彎*會中參 е а “ е в а 491 189 But if the father himself, though apprised of the pregnancy, have given shares to his sons, in virtue of his power, the 器 in the womb has no right to participate : Wyawastha? py על $9.

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