পাতা:ব্যবস্থা-দর্পণঃ প্রথম খণ্ড.djvu/১৮৭

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

vyAvAstHAZDARPANA 61 27. A sale or other alienation by the widow is valid when made vyavasthā for liquidation of her husband's debts, for the marriage of his daughters or for the support of such relatives as it is incumbent to support, likewise to defray the expenses of such other acts as are beneficial and necessary to be performed.—Great benefit is done to a departed soul by paying his debts, by bestowing his daughter in marriage and supporting his family ; indeed, if these duties be neglected, he is doomed to hell. _ بهبي “Fathers desire male offspring, for their own sake, reflecting, “this son will redeem me from cvery debt whatsoever due to superior and inferior beings.” Therefore, a son begotten by him should relinquish his own property, and assiduously redeem his father from debt, lest he fall to a region of torment. If a devout man, or one who maintained a sacrisicial fire, die a debtor, all the merit of his devout austcrities, or of his perpetual fire, shall belong to his creditors.”—Na1 ana. “To maidens should be given a nuptial portion out of the father's cstate.”—DEval.A. This is proper : for, should the maiden arrive at puberty unmarrica, through poverty, her father and the rest would fall to a region of punishment, as declared by holy writ. Thus V AsilisiiTu A says : “So many seasons of menstruation as overtake a maiden feeling the passion of love and sought in marriage by persons of suitable rank, even so many are the beings destroyed by both her ● 影 锦 Af 如 _ 球》 father and mother ; this is a maxim of the law.” Portius NAsili : “A damsel should be given in marriage before her breasts swell. But if she have menstruated (before marriage,) both the giver and the taker fall to the abyss of hell ; and her father, grandfathcr, and great grandfather are born (insects) in ordure.” Therefore she should be given in marriage while she is yet a girl. - The support of persons who should be maintained is the approved means of attaining heaven. But hell is the man's portion if they suffer. Therefore (let a master of a family) carefully maintain them. MANU declared, that a mother and a father in their old age, *. virtuous wife, and an infant son, must be maintained even by the commission of a hundred offences. By this.text of Manu the widow's husband being authorized even to usc irregular means for the support of his father, and the rest, these should certainly bc supported by the widow. RagirunANDANA too acknowledges that, for the purpose of raising her husband to a region of bliss, a wife may give away property left by him, and devolving on her by the failure of male issue. Hence it is understood that she ought not to give away his property for other purpose. Paochaspati Bhattacha'iya has delivered the same exposition. Biravadeva also concurs nearly in the same opinion. Coleb. Dig. vol. III. p. 464. 28. If the reversioners supply or agree to supply the widow with Vy" maintenance, and money for performance of such acts as are indispensa ble, she can not alienate her husband's property without their consent : If she do, such alienation is invalid. P Authority. Authority. Authority. .*