পাতা:ব্যবস্থা-দর্পণঃ প্রথম খণ্ড.djvu/৪৪৭

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

WYAVASTHAT-DARPANA 325 IR. The wife, having been expelled by her husband from his house, and living with her brother's A husband expelling his ... • t & ". e o ●,,够 o ife without Hufficient cause: sumily, is entitled to obtain maintenance from her husband, provided the husband was not justified in ..."..."." expelling her by the circumstances of the case. This is the received opinion”. Räimpriyā versus Bhrigurám. Dacca Ceurt of Appeal, September 9th, 1815. Maen. H. L. Vol. II. Cha. II. case I. (p. 109). Q. If a man expel his wife from his house, or if she wilfully elope from her husband, and live in the family of her inother; in either ease, is she competent to sue for her maintenance P R. If the husband turned the wife out of his house, and she live with her mother; in such case, . By voluntary desertion of 臀 - - * fie e - * g & her lus\nuul, thus wife lose鱼 葡哆 兹赢 o o să l $ Þ Þ $ $ * * To & *2, 始 M. & : 锣罐角 - Jo - • ఒ• - she is entitled to maintenance. But if she without her husband's sanction leave him, and live with her . .ght to Imaintenance. mother, she has no right to maintenance. Zillah Chittagong, January 14th, 1820. Mac. H. L. Wol. H. ('h. II. (';vse. II. (p. 100.) Q. There were four brothers, one of whom died leaving a widow, who, having assigned over to them her husband's property, movable and immovable, by gift, obtained an agreement from the donees that they would provide her with food and rainient. . Subsequently she hecame pregnant, the fruit of an adulterous intercourse; on which she was expelled from the saluily house, and the donees now refuse to support her. In this case, has the widow a legal claim to her maintenance from the donees? R. A virtuous widow of a person who leaves no male heir down to the great grandson, succeeds her Au unchaste widow is not * * - - . - - * entitled to inaintenanice frou jusband; and if she violate his bed, she becomes degraded : consequently the widow described has no right her husband's brothers, eveu - - * * though she maw have resign ►ኁኝ 3 . ית ו י, . ñoo · · ። to a ** * f * 总 g - *(#, (#\# l* 《亨 - * ፱፱ ፻፬ ዝቐዃ 4 = :Agrious * * § - ay to her husband's heritage, and cannot claim her maintenance, even though she obtained an agreement for . right to his property her subsistence previously to her offence F in their favour, in considers. Authorities: — tion of stucli mainteuxure. 'Text of VYA?SA :--See V. 1). p. 35. Text of KA TxAʼyAxA :—See V. I). p. 55. Text of NAíhAdA : See W. D. p. 107. City Dacca, 21st January, 1823. Mac. II. L. Vol. II. Cha, II. Case 5, (pp. 112, I 13.) Q. An individual, by trade a blacksmith, had three sons, whom he brought up and supported until they attained the age of majority, when they separated themselves from each other, and took possession of their father's estate: the father is now old and decrepit, and the sons do not provide him with food aud raiment. In this case, is the father entitled to maintenance from his sons or otherwise? R. The sons are bound to support their aged parentst. This is consonant to the doctrines laid dowm Sons are inmul to usus. -- سير صر . او - tail their parents. in the Picúdabhangirnava and other works. Authorities :-- The following passage is cited in the Picúdabhangirnava. “ MANU declared, that a mother and father in their old age, a virtuons wife, and an infant son, must be maintained, even though doing a hundred times that which ought not to be done. Zillah Nuddea. Mac. H. L. Vol. II. Ch. II. Case VI. Up, 113, 114.)

  • If the wife have been turned away on account of unchastity, or a similar offence, she has no right to be maintained.

t The sons have no property, and cannot seek independency while their father exists, as MANu says: “Three persons, . wife, a son, and a slave, are declared by law to have in general no wealth exclusively their own: the wealth which they înay earn is regularly sequired for the man to whom they belong.” Under these circumstances, the father is not only entitled to obtain inaintenance from his sons, although the property be acquired by the sons, but he may take a share of it, whether the acquisition was made with or without the personal labour or pecuniary aid of the fathor. V་༤ I) 4.