পাতা:ব্যবস্থা-দর্পণঃ প্রথম খণ্ড.djvu/৫১৯

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

VYA VASTHA”- DARPA NA. ! $97 science, and virtuous qualities, shall receive two shares of the heritage ; the rest shall share alike : but he is venerable like their father.” Vasu isn'ra :-" Partition of heritage among brothers shall be thus made : the eldest sluall take a double share, and the tithe of cows and horses ; the youngest shall have the goats and sheep, and one house ; the sword and other black iron, and the furniture of the house, shall belong to the middle most.” - Visiist : –“ Let sous produced by wives of equal class receive equal sharer, but give the liest chuttle as a deducted allotment to the first born.” IIA kiora :--" When a herd of kine is to be divided, let the rest of the brethren ਾਂ a bull to the eldest brother, or give hin the best chattle, leaving to him the images of deities and the patrimonial house, let them remove and erect other hábitations : or ir they remain in the same court, the best apartment shall be asigned to the eldest, aud successively the next best to the others.” * - A PastAMBA : —“In certain countries a surarna, a black cow, and the black. produce of the earth, devolve on the eldest son, together with the utensils of the common father.” Saskit A and Likhita :---"To the cliest son a bull shall be given ;- to the youngest, a house other than the father’s habitation.” }otAMA :—“A twentieth part of the heritage, a pair (of kine), a car with beasts which have teeth in both jaws, and the bull kept for impregnation, shall belong to the eldest ; cattle blin, ; of one eye, or old, and those of which the horns are broken, the tail hairless, shall belong to the middlemost, if there be two or more head of such cattle ; a ewe, some grain, iron, a house, a cart and yoke, and one of every sort of quadruped, shall belong to the youngest, the residue shall equally be divided. One bull shall be the additional portion of an eldest son (born of a wife last married, or if ) produced by the first married wife, he shull have a bull and fifteen cows: or the same deduction (which is granted to tam elder som born of a wife last married,) shall be received by a younger son born of an elder wife. Or the first born shall first choose and take any one chattle, and ten head of cattle, (and the rest shall successively make a similar selection).” Citing the scripture :-" Let equall shares be given to all without distinction, or let the eldest deduct the most excellent cattle ; or let the first born take one of ten (cows and the like,) and

  • The right of taking a double share, too, is not confined to the case of primogeniture. Thus Varias. PATI says : The eldest by birth, by science, and by good qualities, shall obtain a double share of the keritagē.” Coleb. 1Öá. bñá. p. 89. * * do . -