পাতা:ব্যবস্থা-দর্পণঃ প্রথম খণ্ড.djvu/৭

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

P R E F A C E. TriB IIINDU LAw is, according to our belief, of divine origin. It is termed Smrit: (remembrance) or what was remembered, in contradistinction to the Veda, which is denoted Sruti (audition) or what was heard.” The Smriti was revealed by the Self-Eristent to Manu, who remembered and taught it to Morrichi and nine other sages, one of whom, Bn royne. being appointed by Manu to promulgate his laws, communicated the whole to the Rishis f. The Smriti comprises three kändas or adhytsyas (books or parts. ) The achara (ritual,) which comprises rules for the observance of religious rites and ceremonies, social usages, and amoral duties of the different castes; the vyavahāra (civil acts and rules,) which embraces as well forensic law and practice as rules of private acts and contests; and the priyashchetto. (expiation,) which prescribes the atonement or religious penalty for sin. The general body of law comprehending all these is denominated the Dharma. Shefstra. ● The Dharma Shūstra is to be sought primarily in the Samhitās (collections or institutes) of the holy sages, whose number according to the list given by Joignyavalkya is twenty : namely, Mazzo, Atri (a), I'ishnu (b), Hérifa, Jós/myaralkya or Poijnyavalkya (c), Ushants (d), -1ngără (e), Jama or Yama (f), 4 pastamba, Samvarta, Kätyayana, Vrihaspati (g), Pardsara (h),

  • By these terms, it is signified that in the Peda the words of revelation are preserved, while in the

system of law the sense is recorded either in the diviue words or other equivalent expressions. The Teo.: eliefly concerns religion, but contains a few passages directly applicable to jurisprudenee. + Maríehi, Afri, Angirá, Pułastya, JPułańcz, Hōratu, Prachetá, Ioashishtha, Bhrigu, and Váras?ir. These are denominated prajápati, or lords of created beings. See Manu, ch. i. z. 35–40 and 57–60.

  1. I zde Manu, ch. i. v. 57–60. -

(a) One of the ten lords of created beings, and father created beings, and according io the Bhoya rater of Dattatreya, Durvassó, and Soma. became father of Utarova and of Prihaspati (b) Not the Indian divinity, but an ancient phi- in the reign of tlne second Manu. losopher who bore that name. (f) Brother of the seventh Manu and ruler of the (c) Grandson of Viswif mitra, as described in the world below. 射 introduction of his own institutes. (g) Regent of the planet Jupiter - has a place (l) Ushamò is amother name of Shukra, tho regent among legislators ; he was son of Anzird accordof the planet l'enus : he was grandson of ing to one legend, but son of Devaða according Bhrigte. to another. ۔ مه و (e) Angiro holds a place among the ten lords of (lı) Grandson of Vashishtha.