পাতা:ভিষক্‌-দর্পণ (চতুর্দশ খণ্ড).pdf/২১০

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

. ... '. - * * : s"Y o. - • సా ર .: .." = - - الي . в " .- н سیاه - - would have been held to be indubitable signs of homicidal violence. From the pathological point of view, the interesting feature of the case is the occurrence of capillary hoemorrhages in so marked a degree, on the lungs and heart The experience of suicidal hanging shows that subpleural and subpericardial haemorrhages are very rare, not in one of the 128 cases examined up to November 190o ; it may be pointed out that among them, othere were two instances of girls being cut down alive, though they died soon aster. The haemorrhages in the present case were probably connected with the violent muscular movements exhibited by the deceased when the noose was opened and he fell on the floor. Though it is not stated by the witnesses, it is possible that the move. ments they saw were the result of convulsions, and as mentioned in a previous page, experiments on animals support the view that capillary hamor rheges occur in asphyxia during the X. period of violent expiratory efforts, and that they are absent in cases in which convulsions have not occurred. In the two girls, who were cut down alive and died shortly after, there were no capillary hamorrhages, and in the history of the cases, there is no mention of any movements of a convul sive character.” cyANIDE OF POTASSIUM. “The following is an interesting and, ... I believe, unique case —The deceased had a small shop in Lower Chitpore ... Road, Calcutta, in which he sold con [ (I, సిe 8 diments, drugs and chemicals. Behind the shop, there was a small store room. He went to the shop at 8 A. M. as usual ; about noon, as he had not returned home for his food, his cousin came to call him, and not seeing him in the shop, asked the shopkeeper next door if he had seen deceased going out. He was told that deceased had not gone out. The cousin and a neighbour looked into the store room, over the entrance of which they noticed a shawl, and saw the deceased hanging by a rope round his neck, fastened above to a hook in a beam. The police were informed ; they came, cut down the body, and sent it to the morgue. The post-mortem examination was held on the following morning. The tongue was protruding, caught between the teeth, and cyanosed. On the protruding portion, on the chin, and down the front of the chest, there was a white chalky substance. The tips of the fingers of both hands were smeared with the same matter. Round the neck, there was running noose of rope, and a corresponding furrow on the neck. When the body was opened, the odour of hydrocyanic acid was perceived, the lungs were very congested, the blood fluid and of a crimson red colour. The stomach contained two ounces of fluid and a large quantity of “chalky substance, the mucous membrane was slightly corroded ; the first part of duodenum was in a similar condition, and lower down there was congestion. There was a considerable quantity of the chalky substance in the duodenum and