FOREWORD Pandit Krishnapada Vidyaratna has written a very thoughtful monograph on the origin of earthquakes, and he has done me the honour of asking me to write a foreword. The subject on which he has written this essay is a technical one and only specialists are competent to pronounce an opinion on it. I understand that he has consulted some distinguished scholars who have made a special study of the subject. It is indeed very remarkable that the conclusions at which the writer has arrived independently agree with some of the latest researches on the subject of earthquakes. This is not the only instance in which inspired poets and philosophers have anticipated the conclusions at which scientists have arrived after lifelong labours in the seclusion of their laboratories The theory of Evolution was clearly enunciated by Greek philosophers and Indian seers long before Charles I)arwin formulated it scientifically. Similarly, the theory of atomic attraction was visualised by the philosophers long before Newton succeeded in establishing his theory of universal gravitation on unimpeachable scientific data. Those who are acquainted with Yogic practices speak of a kind of vision called ‘Yogipratyaksha’ by which an insight can be gained into the secrets of the universe. I cannot say liow far the writer has succeeded in unravelling the mysteries
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।