এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

[ 43 | From the very beginning of its formalion, ihe sun has been helping Creation by diffusing heat and light, causing rain, and giving life to the plants, frees. and all living creatures. And is is the sun which mainly governs the whole solar systsm. For this remarkable feature of electrons or electric energy, they (or Brahma) have been described in ihe Upanisads as the supreme being or the Creator of this Univorso. My mother, the suprome Goddess of this Universe, has revealed io me that in this Universe everything is derived from the sun. This ruth is rovealed only to those who have gained real knowledge. The rays of the sun have a great influence upon each of the units of the solar system. Many geological, physical, physiographical and other changes in this earth are due to this influence. The rays of the sun cause deposils of layers OI) the bed of the ocean, and in this way mountains and hills are formed. This is proved by the pre|SencG of bones and fossils of sea-animals in rocks. The Himalayan range arose in this way from the bohom of the sea, in the north of India. The sun's rays have also a desirucive influence. The sun noi only creates, it also destroys things. Everything in this world has a tendency lo return to its place or origin. Human beings and even