পাতা:মহাত্মা কালীপ্রসন্ন সিংহ.djvu/৯৫

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

శి शहॉम्नां कलौeथमङ्ग निरश् ।

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এই পত্রের অবিকল প্রতিলিপি নিম্নে প্রদত্ত হইল — To - BABOO KRISTO DOSS PAUL, SECRETAry, Hurrish MEMORIAL Committko. Sir, As the form of the Memorial to the memory of the late Baboo Hurrish Chunder Mookerjee has not been definitely settled, I believe it would be in consonance with the views and wishes of many of the subscribers, if the funds were applied to the erection, of a building for public use, to be called after his name, instead of being employed in the establishment of one or two scholarships as originally contemplated. I for one decidedly am for such a memorial Building, and if my colleagues in the committee approve of the proposition I will feel it a pride to dedicate to this purpose a portion of my land, say 2 beegahs or thereabout, situated in Sukeas Street, commonly called Badoor Bagan. The site which I have selected with the approval of some of my friends and colleagues in the committee, faces the Upper Circular Road in the East and Sukeas Street in the North, and as it is comparatively free from the bustle of the town, while at the same time quite contiguous to the most populous part of the Native Quarter I trust it will answer our object very well. The sum which has been already subscribed and partly realized amounts I believe to ten thousand Rupees, and I have no doubt that when this plan of Memorial Building is announced there will be, no lack of funds to carry it out. There are many friends and admirers of the late “Hindoo Patriot” who have not yet subscribed, and I can state with confidence that it is the