পাতা:মাইকেল মধুসূদন দত্তের জীবন-চরিত - যোগীন্দ্রনাথ বসু.pdf/১৪১

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

হিন্দু কলেজ-শিক্ষাবস্থা। SO sery could not be effaced It is needless to dwell upon the numerous benefits a child may derive from an educated nurse. In a country like India, where the nurseship (if I may so call the office of a nurse) generally devolves on the mother, the importance of educating the females, ( the sources from which man gathers the first rudiments of knowledge) is very great; for unless they are enlightened, they spread the infection of their ignorance in the minds of those they bring up. Extensive dissemination of knowledge amongst women is the surest way that leads a mation to civilization and refinement, for it is woman who first gives ideas to the future philosopher and the would-be poet. The happiness of a man who has an enlightened partner is quite complete. The very idea of so sweet a possession awakens even in the most prosaic bosons feelings truely poetical. Who is there that would not give up "All Bokhara's vaunted gold, And all the gems of Samarcund,” for it This is surely what a Poet calls "The foretaste of the joys of Heaven " In India, I may say in all the Oriental countries, women are looked upon as created merely to contribute to the gratification of the animal appetites of men. This brutal misconception of the design of the Almighty is the source of much misery to the fair sex, because it not only makes then appear as of inferior mental endowments, but no better than a sort of speaking brutes. The people of this country do not know the