পাতা:মাইকেল মধুসূদন দত্তের জীবন-চরিত - যোগীন্দ্রনাথ বসু.pdf/২০২

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

Q\to औबन-ब्रिड ! here, I have had much to do in the way of procuring a standing place for myself-no easy matter, assure you, -especially, for a friendless stranger. However, thank God, my trials are, in a certain measure, at an end, and I now begin to look about me very much like a commander of a barque, just having dropped his anchors in a comparatively safe place, after a fearful gale -Here's a simile for you, my boy ! Your information with regard to my matrimonial doings is quite corrcet. Mrs. D. is of English parentage. Her father was an indigo-planter of this Presidency, I had great trouble in getting her. Her friends, as you may imagine, were very much against the match. However, "all is well, that ends well !' I am sorry to hear of your severe loss, but, I trust, you have sense enough not to murmur against One whose wisdom is infinite and who is - merciful God You will, I am sure, be surprised to hear that, though beset by all manner of troubles, I have managed to prepare a volume for the press This will be my first regular effort as an author. Thc volume will consist of a tale in two cantos, yolept the 'Captive Ladie' and a short poem or two. I must give you a description of my "Captive.' It contains about twelve hundred lines of good, bad and indifferent octo-syllabic verse and ( truth, "pon honour ! ) was written in less than three weeks. I wrote it for the pages of a local paper, the editor of which, one of the most eminent in Índia, has been blowing my trumpet like a jolly fellow. It has excited great attention here, and many persons of superior