পাতা:মাইকেল মধুসূদন দত্তের জীবন-চরিত - যোগীন্দ্রনাথ বসু.pdf/২২০

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

*b8 জীবন-চরিত । startled me I knew that my poor mother was no more, but I never thought that I was an orphan in every sense of that word My dearest Gour, what am to do p You talk of my property-what has he left behind Can you give me an idea of the estate You know how expensive it is to go to Bengal-at least-for a poor devil like myself. But if you encourage me to hope that my father has left sufficient property to warrant my launching out a little cash for the recovery thereof, of course, I am ready to weigh anchor, at once, for a voyage to old Calcutta. Ah those relatives of mine Great God l But for you, my noble hearted friend, I would not have heard a word, about my father's death, for months, perhaps, years. O dearest Gour, whėn and where did he die ? I feel distracted. Give me all the particulars. If I can so manage, I shall leave this by the next steamer (27th) but I am very poor just now, my brother. I have not thriven so well in the world as I had expected. But of all that hereafter. Write to me by return of post. Of course, I am aware that my late father had landed property in Jessore. That I am sure of getting out of the clutches of those biped vultures-what a stupid fellow I am all vultures are bipeds -well, but you know what I mean. Yes, dearest Gour, I have a fine English wife and r children. What do you mean by saying that your e is in Heaven? What-a widower a second tinae 1ίου W