পাতা:মাইকেল মধুসূদন দত্তের জীবন-চরিত - যোগীন্দ্রনাথ বসু.pdf/২৫৮

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

RRO জীবন-চরিত। বাঙ্গালী দর্শকদিগের সঙ্গে ইংরাজ, মুসলমান ইহুদী প্ৰভৃতি সকল সম্প্রদায়ের লোকই আহুত হইয়াছিলেন । বঙ্গদেশের শাসনকৰ্ত্তা। সার ফ্রেডরিক হালিডে, হাইকোর্টের বিচারপতিগণ, কমিসনার, ম্যাজিষ্ট্রেট প্রভৃতি উচ্চ পদস্থ রাজকৰ্ম্মচারিগণ, এবং কলিকাতার প্রধান, প্ৰধান সম্রান্ত ব্যক্তি সকলেই অভিনয়স্থলে উপস্থিত ছিলেন । বঙ্গদেশে আর কখনও এরূপ ভাবে কোন নাটক অভিনীত হয় নাই । অভিনয়-ক্রিয়া (as you may choose to call) is all right; hale and sound ; and is perfectly willing to appear on the stage to-norrow. But alas ! a strange fatality hangs about surnabullee. Altho' not a firm believer in astrology I am half inclined to believe that we commenced at a time when some strange stars were on the ascendant, whose principal qualities seem to be to throw all sorts of obstacles on the progress of the works under their influences You might say it is impossible, but I will prove it, aid before positive proof every objection must give way. Now first of all three or four years ago when you all quarrelled with the proprietor of The Oriental Seminary we all proposed to have a native drama written out and acted ; and such was our earnestness in the cause that we all asked you to select and hire a site, and a native gentleman was asked either for the loan or hire of his premises. Some how or other the subject dropped here and was never thought of more till a year and half ago, when we found some youngsters getting up a representation of a native drama. At this time a consultation was held, and after much discussion the Rutnabullee was fixed upon as the best drama or one of the best dramas that our Sanscrit could boast of Then again came the difficulty of finding a man, who with a thorough knowledge of language would combine a dramatic talent. This man was at last found. Some time hefore this the Koolin-koolas hurlosso had aquired a just and well merited fame, and the author was pitched upon as the only pundit, who, with a good knowledge of Sanscrit, combined dramatic talent : and