পাতা:মাইকেল মধুসূদন দত্তের জীবন-চরিত - যোগীন্দ্রনাথ বসু.pdf/২৭১

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

শৰ্ম্মিষ্ঠা ও পদ্মাবতী রচনা । R\9S ever, as I have promised, you shall have the first three Acts by the end of this week. Ram Narayon's 'version", as you justly call it, disappoints me. I have at once made up my mind to reject his aid. I shall either stand or fall by myself. I did not wish Ram Narayon to recast my sentencesmost assuredly not. I only requested him to correct grammatical blunders, if any. You know that a man's style is the reflection of his mind, and I am afraid there is but little congeniality between our friend and my poor-self. However, I shall adopt some of his corrections. If you should speak of the drama to your friends, when you meet them to-day, pray, don't say a word about Ram Narayon. I shan't have him. He has made my poor girls talk d-d cold prose. I am aware, my dear fellow, that there will, in all likelihood, be something of a foreign air about my Drama ; but if the language be not ungrammatical, if the thoughts be just and glowing, the plot interesting, the characters well maintained, what care you if there be a foreign air about the thing Do you dislike Moore's poetry because it is full of orientalism p Byron's poetry for its Asiatic air, Carlyle's prose for its Germanism ? Besides, remember that I am writing for that portion of my country mea who think as I think, whose minds have been more or less imbued with Western ideas and modes of thinking; and that it is my intention to throw off the fetters forged for us by a servile admiration of everything Sanskrit.