পাতা:মাইকেল মধুসূদন দত্তের জীবন-চরিত - যোগীন্দ্রনাথ বসু.pdf/৫৮৮

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

ܡܩ ܡܩ■ (V डीबन-5ब्रिड । England, on the 2nd of may I863. From that day to the present, we have not received a pice from India, although there has been money due, some for the year I862 and some since Décember last, from the Talooks, and the only letter which was written to me came just ten months ago. We have since written no less than 8 letters, but not a line have we received in reply. I am going to a French jail and my poor wife and children must seek shelter in a charitable institution, though I have fairly 4,OOO Rs. due to me in India. The benchers of Gray's Inn, from whom I was compelled to draw 45O Rs., have suspended me and this is the third term I am losing this year. I also owe 25O Rs. to Monu, * who, poor fellow, is no doubt quite inconvenienced by my failure to pay him. You are the only friend who can rescue me from thc painful position to which I have been brought, and in this you must go to work with that grand energy which is the companion of your genius and manliness of heart. Not a day is to be lost. I have got landed property which gives me at present ISOO Rs. a year. All law-suits have been extinguished and my rights are undisputed. The Land-Mortgage-Society in Calcutta lends money at Io per cent. You will thus be able to raise I5,OOO (fifteen thousand) rupees for me. Babu Degumber Mitter and Buddy Nath Mitter are my legally consti LSSS S LSS LSSLSLL LSSSLLSSLS SLLLSSSLLLS

  • ব্যারিষ্টার বাবু মনোমোহন ঘোষ। মধুসুদন তঁহাকে সস্নেহে মনু বলিয়া ডাকিতেন ।