পাতা:মাইকেল মধুসূদন দত্তের জীবন-চরিত - যোগীন্দ্রনাথ বসু.pdf/৫৯৪

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

@83 জীবন-চরিত। forward and save me from the grave which those people have nearly finished digging for me. I send this letter to you through Pran Kissen Ghose of Police office, for misfortune and suffering have made me suspicious, and who knows if my last two letters have found you ? Alas my dear friend, I cannot possibly expect to hear from you before the middle or end of August next, even if you do not let grass grow under your feet after receiving my letters, and go to work with all the energy you possess. How shall I manage to bridge over the gulf that yawns between us and the joyful day when I shall hear from you ? If we perish, I hope, our blood will cry out to God for vengeance against our murderers. If I had not little helpless children and my wife with me, I should kil myself, for there is nothing in the instrument of raisery and humiliation, however base and low, which I have not sounded. God has given me a brave and proud heart, or it would have broken long ago In my two last letters, I have, at considerable length, explained to you how I wish you to go to work on my behalf ; -- how to raise Rs. ISOOO from the "Land-mortgage-Society' or rather Company ;ー how to obtain all the documents connected with my property from Buddy Nath Mitter and Digumber Mitter and how to get these two to sign all papers for me, as they are my legally constituted agents in India; and how to pay certain debts of mine in India and then to remit the balance to me in France through some of the Banks in Calcutta, especially a French